Guess How Many? (Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies)

in #guesshowmany8 years ago (edited)

Game Rules

  • First person to guess the exact number wins the game.
    *If no one guesses the exact number, the closest number rounding down will win.
  • Winner will receive 50% SBD from this blog post
  • Reblog this post and receive 0.02 STEEM.
    *Reply with "Reblog" with your answer.
  • One try per person.
  • Game last only for 24 hours.

Lets play...

How many chocolate chip cookies are there?

Want to play more :
Guess How Many? #28
Guess That Movie #9
Sentence Unscrambler #34


23 - Made just the one tray and ate one.

47 reblog

Congrats, 47 is the correct answer.

@bola, thank you for the fun game.

0 - I don't see any chocolate chips, these are sugar cookies!


Wanted to got with 46 as I assume 2 trays and some consumption too but 41 to 47 are taken. So, 48 it shall be.

@ace108, you and I think the same. I was thinking one cookie was consumed why i picked 47.

:-), let's see. Maybe it was 3 trays and most of us were threw off.

@ace108, we were right. Thank you my brother.

Well, technically no. I chose a unique answer and not 47.
Anyway, Congratulations.

46 .. Made 2 trays and ate 2 ;)

36 Reblog

24 - Resteemed :)


25 - Resteemed


MMMmmmmmmmm, Cookie.

43 reblog
Now I want hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies.


44 / reblog



33 cookies! Reblog

40 + Reblog

28 and 3/4 one isn't a full cookie

49 reblogged

well bob, all my numbers are taken already.
Late to the show.
I'll guess 53...

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