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RE: More guns equals less violence.

in #guns9 years ago (edited)

Change your search by a single word. Look for shootings at a gun show and the results pour in. All accidental.. The precense of guns at these events made them safe? As a result of these numbers the majority of guns are display only and live weapons (ammunition) are not allowed. Maybe this changes the statement to nobody cares about attacking a gun show. What possible motive is there?


In Texas it was that way the one I went to. So admittedly limited experience in that aspect. Still, accidental shootings at gun shows don't seem uncommon. And again... What makes a gun show a target? I can make the argument there's never been a mass shooting at a Magic: The Gathering event. Using the same logic I can say if everyone had a deck built it addresses the problem.

I've definitely never been shot while playing my Red/Blue deck. (I've also never won a game playing that deck...)