More nukes equal less nuclear war. The only time nukes have been used in war. Nobody had nukes but the country that dropped them. Now that SuperPowers all have nukes and nuclear war would kill all life on earth nobody is dropping nukes anymore. In that same fashion you can not name one single mass shooting at a gun show. #commonsense
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Guns are getting way too easy to get for crazy people like yourself:
ahhh classic American stupidity at its finest; truly it amazes me how people with your intellect remember to breath.
"ahhh classic American stupidity at its finest"
Really? Because the facts don't agree:
"Texans with gun permits are less likely to commit murder...than Canadians." (And Brits, too)
Change your search by a single word. Look for shootings at a gun show and the results pour in. All accidental.. The precense of guns at these events made them safe? As a result of these numbers the majority of guns are display only and live weapons (ammunition) are not allowed. Maybe this changes the statement to nobody cares about attacking a gun show. What possible motive is there?
In Texas it was that way the one I went to. So admittedly limited experience in that aspect. Still, accidental shootings at gun shows don't seem uncommon. And again... What makes a gun show a target? I can make the argument there's never been a mass shooting at a Magic: The Gathering event. Using the same logic I can say if everyone had a deck built it addresses the problem.
I've definitely never been shot while playing my Red/Blue deck. (I've also never won a game playing that deck...)
But you can name plenty of shootouts where all the participants were armed.
Umm... Ok, then the shooutout at the OK Corral.
Or, literally any gang fight you hear about on the news. People are not cowards.
You're arguing with someone else. I never said we should ban guns, I'm only pointing out that the original point is demonstrated to be incorrect. Plenty of people shoot each other when they all have guns. Bystanders with guns don't matter to someone who already knows bullets will be flying back at him and starts shooting anyway.
Arming peaceful people does not turn violent people peaceful.
So you're supporting that there should be gun laws, and felons shouldn't be allowed to own them.
Once you start talking about sane things like having background checks... thats when the crazies come out to play. Like this post.
As so called "tactical" and "clean" nukes continue to be developed I expect to see them used in combat. Its already on the horizon.
I agree. It will play out on some poor third party's back yard. Russia came out and said they weren't ruling out tactical nukes in Syria... The major powers would likely never directly nuke each other. Its better for business to play through your proxies.
Please excuse my bumper sticker logic, but if The Dood may add his two satoshi, "An armed society, is a calm society." That is all, carry on :P
imagine a world where no one is defenseless
If the UK were populated by nothing but Texans with concealed handgun permits, it's per capita murder rate would be about two thirds lower:
"Texans with gun permits are less likely to commit murder...than Canadians."