Yes, the data is very clear! His trying to point the finger at others is just a smokescreen.
Also, to those that aren't aware of what we do with the Flag-A-Whale project as a late, a significant portion of our rewards goes back to downvoters who are willing to sacrifice their VP to fight manipulators like Haejin.
It is imperative that we make a statement and example with Haejin otherwise there will be more abusers like him. We need to set the tone for what we as a community will not tolerate. This shit won't fly anymore!
I added that in there to the post. Should have been there in the first place but, yeah.
I'm new here - was ready to leave yesterday because of this type of nonsense but thought it would be fun to use my brain here instead. I wrote a post you would probably appreciate (seriously, not a spam link):