This post is going to show the % of the reward fund that certain users are taking. All the information is being gathered from steemworld and will be in reference to their next 7 days worth of payouts.
@transisto because he is in there
@haejinsucks because it is only fair to include me!
A significant portion of flag-a-whales author rewards get split between the voters which spend their VP to flag abuse.
Using their words:
Also, to those that aren't aware of what we do with the Flag-A-Whale project as a late, a significant portion of our rewards goes back to downvoters who are willing to sacrifice their VP to fight manipulators like Haejin.
It is imperative that we make a statement and example with Haejin otherwise there will be more abusers like him. We need to set the tone for what we as a community will not tolerate. This shit won't fly anymore!
Haejin joined steemit about a year ago
Bernie joined steemit pretty damn well near the beginning. Lets compare the author rewards of the two:
Author 7 days | Author 30 days | Author all time | |
Bernie | 103.25 | 631.81 | 13,736.41 |
Haejin | 863.30 | 6,846.48 | 40,884.66 |
So for those of you claiming that bernie is raping the reward pool just as much as haejin, grow up and look at the real numbers. Bernie isn't close to the haejin, and haejin is doing it at damaging rates.
So join me, flag haejin!
@berniesanders We will start with him. @haejin because why not @flagawhale @studgriffin
Yes, the data is very clear! His trying to point the finger at others is just a smokescreen.
Also, to those that aren't aware of what we do with the Flag-A-Whale project as a late, a significant portion of our rewards goes back to downvoters who are willing to sacrifice their VP to fight manipulators like Haejin.
It is imperative that we make a statement and example with Haejin otherwise there will be more abusers like him. We need to set the tone for what we as a community will not tolerate. This shit won't fly anymore!
I added that in there to the post. Should have been there in the first place but, yeah.
I'm new here - was ready to leave yesterday because of this type of nonsense but thought it would be fun to use my brain here instead. I wrote a post you would probably appreciate (seriously, not a spam link):