Come play at the Largest Freeroll Poker Site in the World!
The Steem Poker League
The SPL is completely funded by posts on the Steem blockchain and the Steem blockchain has a reward pool which is divided among all posters. 50% of our post rewards go towards the Leagues reward pool. 25% goes to the people making the posts for the SPL and 25% goes to myself who paid for everything you see at out of my own pocket.
In case you're not aware ...
The Steemit user that likely brought you to Steemit, @haejin, has recently flagged all of our post and taken all of our potential post rewards to fund the Steem Poker League.
We will most likely have to shut down after tonight's game, unless we can get enough upvotes to counteract @haejin's flags.
So, I invite all of @haejin's users to join the SPL Community and come win some Free SBD on instead of gambling your hard earned money playing the shitcoin market with information you can get from myself and other longtime cryptocurrency traders, especially in the STEEM/SBD ecosystem "for free" on before it's blasted to 10K followers. ;)
Also, how about asking @haejin to stop destroying Steem/Steemit Community Projects left and right simply because ...
He thinks he deserves more each day than most Steem based Projects receive in a week!
Please consider reading :
And also my comment here.
Hey thanks everyone!!!
We really appreciate the Community support!
It's beautiful to see!
Give Peace (and @steemsilvergold) A Chance!
I see Steemit as one huge social experiment. And we have to realise that there will always be a. Small percentage of greedy psychos. Now before I point the finger, I notice a huge desire for more crypto even though I’ve done very well in the past year. I also upvote my own stuff and not sure if that’s not similar in some way. Don’t judge him. We can sort this out. It will work itself out because the witnesses will do their but I hope as well as us exposing what appears to be abuse. If @haejin doesn’t answer his critics then we can use him to close up holes In The system. u
And what I love about this experiment is that WE together can find creative solutions and we can take responsibility to deal with abusers without some external Gang
People like you are doing much to rise this community.
We need more people like you !
@randowhale is also doing a great job for betterment of this community.
I support you and I support him and I support everyone who supports the Steemit community over these abusive whales that want to take our profits as a joke. Let's all partner together and fight on. We will win.
Getting truly ugly out there still gotta kick some troll ass. My bro was just getting into the poker league! Fight back!
Hi~ today is good^^
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what haejin is doing on Steemit nor Youtube. He's giving people honest charting information for Crypto's. And its your choice to look at it or not. So lay off to the person that started this nonsense thread.
You seem to have completely missed the point ...
I think we should unite and found a group to fight these kind of problems. They will call us "Steemvengers".
But seriously, maybe we'll create a discord group for those who are willing to help.
You don't actually have to found a group.
You just have to go out there and vote for other people's stuff.
The reward pool of steem coins is fixed for the day, and then shared out based on how many posts and comments have been upvoted. So the more upvotes good stuff get, the less percentage the bad guys get.
Basically the way to fix this is to a) not vote for his stuff and b) vote for other people's stuff.
People always forget b) - but it's the most important part.
Every dollar you spend in the real economy is a vote. This site is trying to teach that principle
It's rare that I read something that resonates as real wisdom. Yours is an exception.
I appreciate that very much! Love me some James Brown, this is a mans world is one of my all time favorite songs
LOL! It's all that damn good weed you're growing.
Great Idea hop in SPL and Whaleshares on Discord!! 🔥
you are so right about this
This is the result of the "WAR"
About this @haejin and @berniesanders "game of thrones" I wrote a long comment as a reply to other post from other user. If you have 2 minutes and a desire to read it here is the link:
Let the decentralized network do what it was created for. Let the rewards pool be distributed according to its scheme based on SP; post quality; user popularity and etc.
I bet, I am not the only one who cannot say who is right in this war and who is damaging the society more.
you know who is really raping the pool this dude
he takes pictures on his phone and makes $500 at least the guy you all talking about is giving actual advise and you can make money ...
The amount on insanity on STEEM is crazy people will comment just to get an upvote... that's the same thing as a bribe. I guess decentralized/anarchy not working too well?
useless, but I wouldn't say they're useful either.LOL. I think everyone's missing it. @steemlegion @berniesanders @tuck-fheman are all bent out of shape over @haejin gaming the system. I get that. I'm kinda annoyed at 3% of the reward pool being looted. @haejin does have some useful information like videos on how to analyze trends and currency data, how exchanges work, etc... He's kinda like the Martin Shkreli of cryptocurrency. Some of it is obviously just there to get a post out though. The rest are updates that I wouldn't call
HATEAnyway, these guys (@steemlegion @berniesanders @tuck-fheman), their solution is stupid. I mean, they're exactly the same as @haejin. For the last week, my feed has been flooded with vitriol over this one guy. His content isn't that great (I'll admit), but I wasn't annoyed until my feed was suddenly spammed with . I'm serious. I don't care what your hangup is with this guy. GET OVER IT. I'm downvoting every hateful thing I read. This includes @haejin. Most of his is in retaliation. Get over yourselves. Do it now.
I mean, it's like they saw what @haejin was doing, couldn't handle it and were like:
Yeah, @haejin's gaming the system. @steemlegion @berniesanders @tuck-fheman aren't trying to fix it though. They're gaming it along with him. They're delivery is different. It's hate and internet bullying, but it's the same game. It's the same con. If you don't like what @haejin's doing, I get it. What I don't get is why you're letting @steemlegion @berniesanders @tuck-fheman con you out of more.
This is your first and last warning. I'm not going to raise some anti-anti-haejin nonsense. Seriously, this is the last you'll hear from me on this subject because I refuse to be part of this adolescent mockery of a community I love. The downvotes, they be real. Stop taking up real estate in my feed.
I'm going to move this somewhere with more visibility.
Yeah i don't downvote anyone ... i let people do them... .i do me... i don't care about their hustle i care about me and my fam...
Anyway, I hope everyone can get along on steem :)
cheers and thank you for the info
I appreciate your perspective.
i can disagree with someone but I am old enough and mature enough not to down vote them ... i think it's silly... just write a comment don't downvote...
I truly wish to have enough power now but even my 100% and 1.5 years time on this platform, working my arse off means nothing as long as we have such people flagging into a war. Ridiculous!
Don't worry. As long as we fight hard and long, we will win. This is a fair fight and we're on the right side of it. We'll soon find victory and drink our enemy's blood and gain more power.
True True true!!!
Yes your r wright.......
no comments
I'm still new to the steemit platform. I have couple of questions. How is it possible to downvote or "flag" someone's post? I do not see that option at all on the interface.
it's the red flag icon on the right
it only lowers the reward of something with the same strength as it would raise it with an upvote
meaning, if you don't have at least 1000 steem power, your votes mean nothing to the bigshots
why my steem power always low?
It starts low for everyone. It slowly grows from rewards from commenting and posting. You can also increase it with real money.
commenting make it even lower, i dont understand why
do you mean bandwidth?
You find a flag next to the post or comments....Push that button if you feel like but its not worth it unless you got another voting power.
welcome to steem!! i too a newbee trying to understand it!
Yea, this is ridiculous, like why doesn't he start upvoting someone, it doesn't even seem like he upvotes his own readers comments. I mean I followed the guy back when he was making 25$ a post and thought ok that seems fine, but he's the top 3 posts on hot and like 5/20 of the top trending posts everyday. His advice, whether good or not, doesn't seem any different from other people on here. I have pretty weak voting power so I'm not worth much in counteracting the downvotes, sorry I can't be more help to the community. You guys are one big reason I really enjoy steemit
Maybe his advice are really different/better and that's why he is having success ?
On one side I see a guy giving FREE TA that has proven to make a lot of people money hence his popularity.
On the other side you have a handful of whale that are living of their fortune (like some aristocracy) by making people pay to have some exposure because they have monopolized the voting power .
Am i missing something here let's punish successful quality content and protect and praise the royalty that are screwing us ?
Where do you get "free TA" out of making thousands of dollars per post? That ain't free, son.
I have no problem with the man making some scratch for his suggestions, especially if he seems to hit on his calls at a higher frequency than most others, which may or may not be true, I don't know. I haven't followed him closely enough to make that distinction.
What I can say is that I find it difficult to justify a man's time (advice) being worth as much as his daily payouts suggest that it's worth. Think about it. How long does it really take the man to see these patterns and to point them out?
Once you've trained yourself to see the patterns of TA, it becomes like first nature. I wouldn't be surprised if he's cranking these charts out in a matter of a couple of minutes a piece. At payouts in the multiple hundreds of dollars per post, that's a crazy wage that he's working on.
I couldn't agree with you more. I find myself in the same predicament.
Dude, you're totally right. This is absurdly abusive. But maybe this is what we get when we are in a community where money leads the charge into every battle. The whales will always have a great and unjust advantage over us lowly ones.
that's what happens when you build a platform with no restrictions, so it will feel as decentralized as possible
it gets abused anyways because the ruthless and greedy will always find a way to exploit any system
Originally, there is no fair is the largest fair
Just try to speak out about it, but with reason. Try to keep civil, but definitely speak. Say your piece. Join the conversation and be a good ambassador when you do. For us little guys, our best weapons are our voices and our diplomacy.
That being said, that won't necessarily stop you from getting a downvote. I've received two from him so far. But I feel it is worth it, and maybe he might someday remove it.
haejin was one of the big reasons i enjoyed steemit, then a self important whale decided he knew who and how much should be rewarded... now chaos ensues.
One of the reasons for not letting new users grow. The whole budget goes to few persons, and the rest that has some steem or sp does not even make a like at the end :(
This is merely the result of the few people being very early adopters. Look at Bitcoin and it's mining. You don't stand a chance when trying to mine with low budget.
If that were true I would say, "What's your point?" -- But it's not true.
The key to making a lot of money on Steemit is "the ability to bring a lot of new people into the community - particularly new people who buy their way to power. === This is done by having a big influence on other social networks like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc...
If Oprah joined Steemit today she would make hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per post - not because of the content of the posts or because a bunch of minnows are upvoting her posts or because she kisses whale-ass.... It's because of her outside influence.
If she's happy and she goes on TV and tells everyone they should join Steemit because they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars per post then the investment in Oprah pays off, BUT (BUT).... the minnows never realize.... they're not Oprah.
And so, in a way, whales here on steemit can also be viewed as Oprah. There (and I'm just speculating here) ought to be a whale on steemit who has made his success from zero, just by joining early, without any initial investment.
Granted, it is easier for somebody rich to become even more rich through steemit (like your Oprah example), after all, that is how it always has been. Money is used to make more money. In this case, outside influence, conjoined with an extensive amount of money could be used to abuse the reward pool.
My point is that, without either commiting - in case of Steemit a reasonable amount, and in case of Bitcoin a large amount of money, it becomes only harder with time to make as big profits as the early adopters.
After all, there was once a time when nobody knew Oprah.
If I invest $100 in bitcoin, you invest $1,000 in Bitcoin and Donald invests $10,000 - and Bitcoin grows 10%.... I make $10, you make $100 and Donald makes $1,000.
The content of our money, or where we got it or how elegantly we invested... is meaningless.
I am absolutely certain there are thousands of Steemit users who make Oprah look like a zit on their asses. I am also certain there are thousands of John Lennons, thousands of Gandhis, thousands of Hemingways, etc., etc.,
If someone who is unknown and has never been on the internet came on, joined Steemit and posted a free cure for cancer....... ummmmm....
I think it's wrong for people like Jeff Berwick to go back to his audience and tell people they too can make $16,000 on their first Steemit post when most of them can write a much better post and will never make a dime.
It's not to say I'm unhappy with Steemit. I think the idea is brilliant, but there's a major imbalance and a lack of truth and lack of transparency.
I'm making more money than someone who just joined Steemit (unless they're net-famous or have a huge following), but it's NOT because my content is better than theirs and THAT is the lie we tell ourselves.
I must admit that I am loosing myself a bit in all this.
Are you saying that you don't believe good content is behind the sucess?
If new people joined Steemit and all they found was small-talk, spam and 3rd-hand porn they wouldn't hang around too long, so good content factors in that way.
So - I don't think this thread can be reduced to something as easy as "apples vs oranges." - There are certainly some whales who have great content and certainly some minnows who post 3rd-hand porn.
46 people own 64% of Steemit value.
169 people own another 24%
So.... we have 215 people who own 88% of all money generated in Steemit. And where does the other 12% of the money-pool go?
600,000 Steemit Users...
Legends (46 people)
Super Heros (196 people)
The 12% goes here.....
Minnows (by far the biggest category of Steemit-users)
It is unfair, It is like centralized :s
Steem communities cannot be destroyed.
lol this post. "Don't invest your money in the fastest most bullish market ever during the bull season, just gamble it away at my site.
Although it seems that the problem is @haejin, it is not like that. The problem with steemit are the flags
I am an @haejin follower, and I can say that we did not start this. We woke up one day to all posts having been flagged, and people verbally attacking and flagging us in the comment sections of @haejins blog, the accusations were/are ridicules. This started a flagging war, instead of a debate, which is quite sad. I hated it when @haejins followers got flagged, and I hate that "we" are no better. The users of @spl do not deserve to be flagged just because their "creator" and @haejin has problems, and neither does the @haejin followers ..
For some time I corroborate that there is too much whore in this world for weapons to sell freely. Unfortunately Steemit has incorporated into his genesis the philosophy that weapons are to defend themselves. So, why argue if I can kill or invade? or why talk if there are flags?
the reality is that I am waiting for the Tibetan monks to learn to program and build a new "steemit" in which their philosophy is in its genesis, to get out of here.
A greeting and a wish: that in 2018 you can find an end to wars through dialogue!
No more flags!
regards @live-and-learn
Or, how they are used.
They need to charge a hefty fee to use the flag or just delete it all together and use down votes. They could also only allow a steemer to use a couple flags per day. Maybe some smart hacker can get into his account and shut him down?
regards!no, please @sallysmith if we are going to eliminate, as far as possible, the flags, do not put as an alternative to hackers, hahahaha
Have always enjoyed finding communities supported by others selfless work & a good idea. Been a lot of fun being able to play some cards for free multiple times a day. The tournament structure at @spl is much better than I get at local casinos. Looking forward to when my luck factor picks up so I can donate some more winnings back to this growing community. Would love to hear more great stories of this league helping people via some good old fashioned card games & blockchains !
sadly Haejin didnt start this war, certain other people did, who will remain nameless to protect my own account.
All i know is Haejin gives valuable content, he makes people money. Haejin is not going away.
I eventually am starting to see what you mean, that he is taking alot of the money but he is providing the best information.
You need to provide better content. We all do.
This is my personal opinion, other's might disagree...I think I agree with @martinf... A good post/prediction is always worth the money it makes!!
Damn, these wars get out of hand! How can one / two reward rapers destroy a community created by the hands of you ym friend! One of the real projects done by heart and from a guy that gives away what he promises and actors like a real leader!! Hope this ends and these guys get their senses back. This is a community and not a self service outlet
Lol is the classic case of you started picking on a nest and now you are saying please stop!
As far as I am concern all you guys that started flagging his posts cause he has 0.6% of the rewards are the ones that came with criticism and downvotes to his technical analysis. Now you are posting this so he stops what you and Barney Sanders started?
Interesting analogy you
he is taking more than 6% of all of steem and is downvoting other communities... either way he had to be stopped or this might aswell be his personal reward website
We are all part of a giant organism here. If one part of the organism is consuming too much energy at the expense of the health of the whole system, the system will necessarily find a way to heal or fail completely. There will be more imbalances as we grow, hopefully all of this will lead to a healthier more organized & functioning immune system
@spl is one of the best examples of steemit building communities and taking the blockchain in new directions. I hope @ranchorelaxo and @heijin realize this and come play some poker with us.
We must unite to combat and confront such kinds of problems. We must take all this very seriously
Perhaps we will create a discord group for those who are willing to help.
Well, it happens so @haejin probably have made most profit to any reader here of any blogger, of course he deserve to earn 40x what I do on a post. He got 400x followers, and 4000% more experience. DUH!
He's the best. He deserves to have my money too. If he comes I'll even give him my password. He's God.
I tend to agree with this erudite analysis.
Spirituality > than money
Am I the only one here that has no idea what you're talking about with your complaint? Could someone please explain in plain English for the non-Steemit experts what the complaint really is? I'm missing some understandable context. I don't even know what the SPL is.
How can we fix this?
I am new to this community , still exploring stuffs. In this exploration i have come across now almost a dozen articles against haejin , this guy seems a villian in the community.
If building a following for over 6 months, providing analysis to you followers that make them $$$, bringing new people to steem from youtube and twitter, and getting those people to invest in steem makes you a villain, then yeah, I guess haejin is a super villain.
What’s this guy done wrong ? I’m new to Steemit, not sure I fully understand :(
Can someone break it down for me ?
STEEM WitnessYou got a 20.16% upvote from @upme requested by: @bittrex. Send at least 1.5 SBD to @upme with a post link in the memo field to receive upvote next round. To support our activity, please vote for my master @suggeelson, as a
Pleae vote i'm
Damnnnnnnn, I was trying to stay out of this until now. @spl has my support all the way!
I think this a great post tuck. Much more positive than some of the other crap from both sides of this debate flying around. Crypto traders should love poker, so hopefully we'll see some of them join in with the spl.
dear pleae vote don't forget
Thanks to everyone who upvoted this post to support the @spl. Real communities on steemit will not be bullied.
Follow me
I prefer the project of seems more attractive and got pokernews support and has Tony G as advisor, i think it deserves a bit more credit then this one...
LOL. I think everyone's missing it. @steemlegion @berniesanders @themarkymark @tuck-fheman are all bent out of shape over @haejin gaming the system. I get that. I'm kinda annoyed at 3% of the reward pool being looted. @haejin does have some useful information like videos on how to analyze trends and currency data, how exchanges work, etc... He's kinda like the Martin Shkreli of cryptocurrency. Some of it is obviously just there to get a post out though. The rest are updates that I wouldn't call useless, but I wouldn't say they're useful either.
Anyway, these guys (@steemlegion @themarkymark @berniesanders @tuck-fheman), their solution is stupid. I mean, they're exactly the same as @haejin. For the last week, my feed has been flooded with vitriol over this one guy. His content isn't that great (I'll admit), but I wasn't annoyed until my feed was suddenly spammed with HATE. I'm serious. I don't care what your hangup is with this guy. GET OVER IT. I'm downvoting every hateful thing I read. This includes @haejin. Most of his is in retaliation. Get over yourselves. Do it now.
I mean, it's like they saw what @haejin was doing, couldn't handle it and were like:
This is so it. I'm going to game the system now too. Hmmmm... what subject is more popular than money? I know. Hate and internet bullying.
Yeah, @haejin's gaming the system. @steemlegion @themarkymark @berniesanders @tuck-fheman aren't trying to fix it though. They're gaming it along with him. They're delivery is different. It's hate and internet bullying, but it's the same game. It's the same con. If you don't like what @haejin's doing, I get it. What I don't get is why you're letting @steemlegion @berniesanders @themarkymark @tuck-fheman con you out of more.
This is your first and last warning. I'm not going to raise some anti-anti-haejin nonsense. Seriously, this is the last you'll hear from me on this subject because I refuse to be part of this adolescent mockery of a community I love. The downvotes, they be real. Stop taking up real estate in my feed.
How can you say once destroying steem/steemit community? No one can be destroyed steemit community ever. Maybe there one have negative activity but they've own followers who's deserved those thing. 🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃🛃
Bienvenido ala mejor red social de todas
asi nomas quedo
Though I don't necessarily agree with people hating on @Haejin for the so called "raping" of the reward pool, this is not fair from his side either.
However the problem is, that to my, albiet limited knowledge , he has not started this downvoting war.
He merely became sucessful with his posts about cryptos, which, by the way, if you followed his work, could make you a lot of money.
With that being said, Steemit is not only about the money, but rather about the community.
So in conclusion, I think that both sides should just stop being butthurt and start working towards common prosperity.
I just came for the poker :) Hope to see you at the tables
Don't blame individuals. The flagging system is flawed. I just wrote a post about it.
I think we should unite and found a group to fight these kind of problems. They will call us "Steemvengers".
But seriously, maybe we'll create a discord group for those who are willing to help.................................................................
@haejin any reason you feel the need to post 10 articles a day when you could summarise it in 1?
Because his followers want them separated, so that his blog can work as a library where we can search for a coin and find all posts related to it. He gives his followers what they want, as he should... And why should he post less and disappoint his followers?
Sounds like he needs a forum and a discord.
I agree, restream my post if you really want to fight this guy
I am pretty sure some of us have been here longer then him
Hey Tuck ... really bad to hear what happened. I´m not sure we maybe coping it up that fast so SPL could continue straight away. I thin it might be best to pause the games for a while or ask players for a smallish entry fee. I personally think most of us would still be joining in anyways.
FREE THE @SPL !The War of Flags continues . And community lose from it :(
only the most powerful whales will win from this war, unless the less powerful but more whales unite to stop this. It began to look like abuse rather than simply free trading advice...
Dude.. I saw that yesterday's tourney post didn't have any rewards, and I was like WTF? I thought it was a glitch in the system or something, a mistake. I guess it wasn't. The fuck's going on? What the shit can I do? I'm just a writer who turns wrenches and likes to play poker. What can I do? This is so fucked.
Let me know when you figure something out, we will eradicate his ways.
oh this is not good we should stay together and grow together just like family

@tuck-fheman, SPL seems like a cool project, but I'm not clear on what posts fund it? Projects like SPL are why cryptocurrencies are so great, I'll throw it an upvote.
All post from this account fund it that are tagged #spl, which is 99% since I started SPL I would guess.
You've got my upvote.
If so many are complaining about him. Why not have him removed all entirely?
How do you remove something from the blockchain when the whole point of a blockchain is that it's permanent?
My bad.
You have our support!
헉 내용을라 너무 아쉽네요
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