@haejin, it's on!

in #haejinthescammer7 years ago (edited)

@haejin, Steemit is not your personal playground and piggy bank.  I will not stand by like a little bitch while you pillage our reward pool with your bullshit predictions.

You can threaten anyone you want, but the truth of the matter is that there are plenty of people with far more SP than you and your little bitch will ever have.

Like I said in my reply, you're fucked.  

Let's have some fun.





To the people that don't seem to understand. The value of your upvote is calculated based off of some function of how much steem is in the reward pool, if the reward pool hits 0 then your upvote (and downvote) are worth 0 Steem, 0 SBD, 0... Right now we are still able to make 1000 SBD upvotes, and consequently, downvotes, but if we keep allowing people to take 10,000+ Steem a month then our reward pool will deplete way to fast and destroy the community.

Thank you bernie for taking the bullet for the little guys! Its almost debatable on whether steemit deserves someone that actually cares for the community like you. #bernieforwitness

well, nextgencrypto but same thing different pile.

The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!

Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌

Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!

Proof is shown below:


@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.

The more money @haejin makes, the more butthurt @berniesanders gets!

Make sure you upvote @haejin so that communist snowflake @berniesanders gets even more major butthurt!👌

Communist loser @berniesanders raped his cucumber so hard that it got stuck up inside her anus! The butthurt was so severe, she resorted to doctoring images, thereby committing fraud, in orded to attack and slander @haejin!

Proof is shown below:


@berniesanders @preparedwombat @randowhale <- bitter communist losers who target and harrass conservative truth tellers on Steemit.

I really understand this and I agree. I also mentioned it in an article that @berniesanders had good intentions. https://steemit.com/steemit/@kult300/how-to-downvote-right
But there are so many whales which abusing the reward pool. Watch out.

Thank you for this eloquent explantation

Holy crap. He's son of a mother ><

YES. Back with a vengeance the Bernie we know and love. If anyone wants to contribute to the battle anonymously see our blog for instructions.

It's not much, but we now have ~6000 SP thanks to a few brave Steemians.

Between this and all the plagiarism and abuse that goes on, it's only a matter of time before this system implodes if nothing is done. Seeing @haejin's posts I see little to no contribution to the platform other than charts and predictions.

Here's what I think about people making $30,000 from "predictions":

Beloved, believe not every spirit, 
but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1 KJV

I just hope you keep a level head. I agree though, we are all standing by like little bitches and taking it while this guy rapes our rewards. My question is when is enough going to be enough? Until he has a $10 million dollar account? 50 million?

I hope everyone realizes that he's going to upvote himself when he gets to that point, assuming he doesn't cash out.

Why does a TA get 30k a week? If his predictions are so mega awesome, then he's already stupid rich. So is everyone watching him. Why more? I can haz some wealth too?

Can my $0.04 upvote be worth something or will that be stripped away by this TA also?

Because I can guarantee you -- when this guy bails with his millions, I will still be here powering up. What's better for the community? Giving one guy 30k a week or giving 30 really sweet minnows 1k a week? or maybe 300 minnows $100 a week?

Anyone who can read the white paper can see that the rewards pool is limited

Just because it seems unlimited doesnt mean that it isn't. Of course I know that people have argued the rewards pool should be raised. Okay, 9 billion coins a day so we dilute the hell out of everything. We can all have 16 trillion coins but when they're worth nothing don't stand around wondering why. Don't be like "Oh fuck, we should have listened to that crazy bernie guy, or that crazy grumpy cat. Oh man. We fucked up"

Well, greed is why decentralization can fail. People that want to do something to stop it is why decentralization can succeed.

So all you greedy guys out there, what side are you on? 'Cause if you say you're for decentralization, you clearly need to re-examine your logic when a self-governed system still has limits

The plagiarism kills me man, I try and call attention to that as much as I can.

Upped and resteemed @berniesanders !! we must get the word out about this B.S !!!✌👍😀

You can threaten anyone you want, but the truth of the matter is that there are plenty of people with far more SP than you and your little bitch will ever have.

Like I said in my reply, you're fucked.

I'm not interested in taking sides but where did that come from? What did I miss?

I'm pretty sure sir @berniesanders will be on the top witness throne if he decides to go for it!
Do you have any plans as running up as a witness sir? If you do, you have 5000 followers who'll vote for you :D

i suggest you vote for nextgencrypto for witness ... hint hint :)

Ohhh... I've set @ats-david 's witness ID @ats-witness as a proxy. He too doesn't support any form of bullshit in Steemit. I'm pretty sure he'll vote for bernie sir!

nextgencrypto is bernie. :]

Yeah I missed his previous announcement :)

Go Bernie Go Bernie @berniesanders !! 👍👍👍💕😀

Is this the reason why our posts keep going down in value?

Does this effect the value of your upvote?!

Yes, the value of other posts does directly effect the value of your upvote and consequently the value of your posts.

This is exactly why our posts keep going down in value. It seems not enough people know this.

Bernie keep the good fight!

I love when Trump supports Bernie.

Lol. Hahaha

@grumpycat .. @berniesanders
Come on!
My popcorn reserves are depleted!
Need to buy new stock for this weekend!

the user "thenightflier" is abusing the pool reward cause his best friend witness upvoting him every shit he is posting. downvoter, check him!

yes i igree with you haejin is the big scammer in this platform
Watch out for him

Hey "Bernie Good Whale". I recorded a short video asking a few questions, which i'm uploading now. Hopefully you have a few minutes, and hopefully in the future we can talk. I'd love to hear your side of story, on some level at least, whatever that would take, please advice. Alx.

I like your liberal use of curse words lol. But the STORY here, i think, ends up with you choosing to be the MUCH bigger man than H____, and making some bomb ass shit happen on the positive side, with the probably 100's of absolutely real geniuses who're on steemit right now. Sorry about the background sound, my laptop pretty suddenly got hot.

I voted for myself just because i'm weak as fuck and wanted to potentially get your attention. To that i guess i just pull out my eighth favorite made up saying: "Shhhhh,it Happens". I'm sure we'll talk one day. I'd just be happiest if it were today. I'm pulling an all nighter so i can be on my kids schedule this weekend. They're eight and six, and they've heard of you lol. If you wanted, they could interview you instead. That'd be fucking awesome. Please think about it! Thanks, Alx

Interesting I thought everyone was all friendly just yesterday.

I like you and your posts, but if a small fish like me starting to flag someone larger, my reputation can be killed in an instant, I think that is why not many "minnows" will participate in such action.

This is exactly why..i wouldnt mess with a whale unless youre a bigger whale..and that still will cost you..very little benefit unless youre trying to improve the platform.

What is the good in downvoting when he has enough SP to eclipse a thousand small fries? If you want your SP to be used for downvoting, give STEEM to someone like Randowhale who also pays back its value in SBD.

If thats the case steemit has a flaw its not Haejin fault. But can we not go through all this again. You guys need to find a real solution not a dumb flag war.

Steem isn't flawed, flags, that were originally downvotes, are necessary to prevent this abuse.
What could we do if dissent wasn't allowed to bite as hard as support?
We'd get a circle jerk raping the reward pool and not have a recourse.

I didnt say the flags are a flaw. Its a flaw that allows one guy to rape the rewards pool.

Bernie gota be the bigger man and figure out a different way. All this is hurting the community. I follow both of you and have before all this started.

flagging doesn't hurt the community, if anything it allows the community to grow when 2 big fish go on a flagging war with eachother. Think about it, your upvote is worth more when there is more money in the reward pool, your upvote is worth nothing once that reward pool is depleted.

Just splitting the community up. I follow both of them upvote whatever post i like on both sides. I personally dont take part in the flag wars.

I don't either because I could take away at most like 0.20 from either of them. Instead I focus on upvoting decent posts and let the bigger ones fight it out, since it would take like 350 of me to equal 1 haejin vote and I do not know exactly how much SP bernie has distributed over all of his accounts (as he uses anonsteem to make them) but I believe he had between 1 and 2 million SP at his peak. So that is like 1000 of me kind of thing and that is just 2 of them, there are hundreds with more SP than either of us

Yeah same here. Just bought my first batch of steem hopefully that will help my steem power. But yeah it still wont be nothing close to these guys.

Man what this guy is doing is ridiculous. Every day this continues to happen it's less for everyone else and for the new signups and minnows, it's gonna be so discouraging to them when they post quality content about their lives and stuff and get nothing for it.

Steemit is suppose to empower people that didn't have an outlet to produce content and earn from it.

What's happening is killing the pond and the ecosystem of Steemit.

This is non other than a rewardpoolrape!

and it starts again. I hope this time it is resolved for the good of steemit!

Wait I thought you two made a truce?

Waiting to see flag war against @haejin.

Can you please elaborate how he violated the truce conditions? However, we must find some solution for reward pool rape!


I don't know the exact terms of the "truce" other than powering up 6 out of 10 posts, but I don't particularly like the idea of him bullying on @Steemcleaners in retaliation for downvotes from @adm. I can kind of see the reward pool raping...afterall, that is how the game was created. However, I think he would be better off if he just ignored downvoters and accepted that some people would downvote him on their own accord. Anyway, I suspect that this has something to do with it.

they should not fight

Anyone can work as he wishes
So threats like that should not be matured our spirit
So there is no reason to be afraid of threats because we work from ourselves

i didn't know about the threats...

@haejin is making out like a bandit. If he only made a lot of money for his readers with correct large market cap coin analyses, then fine. But the micro market cap coins are all too easy to manipulate. Be careful, people.

I dont think he is trying to pump micro cap coins...but with his youtube audience..he definitely can.

OMG. Here we go again.

I got zero idea what's going on here but I know Bernie Sanders is some kind of American politician or something and that's about it. Pretty weird your level is a minus lol.

There is a feud stay tuned

Hello berniesanders!

We have found your post and the @SteemEngineTeam wants you aboard!

We are the fastest growing content, vote and follower sharing community on Steem. Please see our introduction post for details on how to join and start earning more votes!

Is the STEEMIT FLAG WAR @berniesanders vs @haejin back on???

Let me see if i got this right, you want support for your dissent, but any dissentions that you don't agree with are not deserving of support?

I don't like the reward pool getting raped by anybody, but until dissent gets some support around here, what do you want me to do?

Dissent is very important to staying on the path, if all you get is circle jerked by sycophants and dupes what do you expect to happen?

Thanks for caring, Bernie.

Seemit Wars 2 , dam

Hell yeah, steem already correcting itself at the news the pool is being saved again.

Wait, what? What happened to the peace agreement? Haejin broke the terms?

I admire you courage and boldness @berniesanders. It doesnt matter whose ox is gued as long as you speak what you think is correct. I commend you for that though the world may hate you for that. Altimately you will be remembered by and by. Keep on with the good work.

May I use this medium to ask if the chainBB project is closed. No more upvote coming from you and others. That platform brought life line to newbies like us who have strugged for months to make a cent from posts. Blessings

I won't comment on Haejin's content, but I do want to take his side on this. The whole ecosystem on Steem is based on content getting rewarded based on who likes it, so if people find value in Haejin's work, he deserves whatever it pays him. That's how Steem works. We could, however, discuss if this is the ideal system for Steem, but Haejin is playing by the rules (as far as I know), so if anyone thinks he doesn't deserve his rewards, you should criticize Steem and not Haejin.

You've got half of how Steem works. The half you like. Most people like.

There is another half. The half that allows for people to disagree with the potential rewards a post is going to receive. The rewards are not the person's until they are paid out, until then they are potential and any SP holder can disagree with the amount and reduce that by downvoting.

The disagreement with potential rewards doesn't have to be about the content. It could be the size of the rewards, the frequency of the postings receiving them or the fact that the rewards are generated by a very small number of votes rather than accumulating through a large number of voters upvoting to generate the reward. For instance, one vote giving $300 in rewards on a post is excessive for anyone. Multiply that by multiple posts in a day it goes over the top.

So, the system is working. It just needs to be working completely, not just the part that is liked.

You make a valid point. Downvotes targeting payout, rather than content does actually make sense. In my head it just seems more right if the system was made so that a dislike meant that you disliked the content and a like meant that you liked the content. It just feels wrong to dislike decent content just to limit the liking.

from a Facebook mindset .. what you're saying makes sense.

The difference is that on FB there is a centralized authority to deal with the real bad actors. On Steemit .. it is up to the community to deal with issues.

The joys of adjusting to a decentralized system.

'The joys of adjusting to a decentralized system.'

nicely put

Who's the fuck bitch your stop your rewards?

If I'm wrong you have to warn me. But without any asking you downvote me. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Why you flagged me

Stupid question #1

What? Ok I don't want flag war. I leave from here.

So because the price hasn't hit his target in 4 days he is a liar and is trying to scam us?

I really don't get it.

If people want to blindly follow him and he makes some poor choices, I don't think it's haejin's fault. He is making analysis with tools available to everyone, do your own analysis if you don't like his.

what it show here is that @haejin is not an expert as he claim .
If you all follow him blindly, you will be burn in no time.

Trying to start the drama again? It probably won't work in your favor buddy

I know you're too fucking ignorant to see how the system works, but anything that do is "working in my favor". Any flag, upvote, etc. they spend power on that isn't on haejin's posts is working in my favor.

Seriously, you fucking morons need to learn how Steem works already. You're just making yourself look like you have no ability to learn and comprehend.

thanks for taking the bullet for us

I mean, I've upvoted you before when you tried to reach an agreement to stop the madness...

While reigniting the feud may get you more attention, it's not going to get you more upvotes and it's not going to get haejin any less. It's just gonna start another meaningless flag war where everyone will take sides and no one will try to come up with a solution.

A post like this will motivate haejin's followers to stop wasting their power on people who aren't haejin. It will probably make your followers start flagging @haejin again, and then haejin and his folllowers start flagging you.

It sounds like you get bored when people aren't constantly spewing hate at each other.

I only say it won't work in your favor because whether or not you like his analysis, MORE people are willing to dedicate their money to haejin than to you, because he has helped people make money. It really is that simple.

Try to reply with something meaningful instead of just calling me "fucking ignorant".

Or just let the irony speak for itself.

You are fucking ignorant because you're still completely missing the point. Reducing his rewards is the goal and that goal is achieved by a) flagging his posts b) encouraging him to waste his voting power flagging my posts and other posts.

See, there's no way I lose here. It's a win-win situation for me regardless of what he does or doesn't do.

There is only one solution, @haejin stops raping the reward pool by posting less or declining rewards. Until then, I will remove the rewards for him.

I understand how the reward pool works. You are really dense my dude.

You are creating a situation where you both lose money. You are also creating a situation where everyone either hates you or hates haejin. It's not easy to side with you when you ignorantly flame and flag anyone who disagrees with you.

You really don't realize that your following is more blind than haejin's. Everyone who comments here is either eating your ass for an upvote or is too ignorant to understand the problem.

No one cares about the reward pool except for shit whales who are trying to rape it.

You are that shit whale, not Haejin.

Haejin is helping people. You are only inciting arguments.
Flag me, continue to call me "fucking ignorant", do your thing man.

Or if you have a brain and 23 functioning chromosomes maybe you could think of a response that isn't complete garbage.

ahaha the downvotes on this post are extensive...that worked...i guess the battle continues

I decided to not bow to the threats I received. Fuck them.

Please please contemplate the possibility of ignoring the guy and his crypto witchcraft. I know you're a giant compared to myself, duh, but at the same time, it takes all types. I'm a hyper creative childish figure with skills that could certainly be brought to bear if and when the goal becomes to demonstrate conclusively, that you ARE, not just a good whale, but a fucking Great Whale. Alx PS: i'll stop commenting now, but all nighters, they tend to get weird. :)

ignoring problems does not make them go away

But for the most part, unless you're making a controlled "bern", it's not most effective IMO, fighting fire with fires. I guess if bernie is putting a lot of money back in the reward pool for the people, that's cool, but i tend to think that the power could be used for true good. You cannot really defeat evil, and actually have to replace it. If haejin is that who knows, seems extreme, probably just mad greedy. Will fighting with haejin make him go away? Seems unlikely.

What do you think should be done @anarchyhasnogods?

capitalism is a system that promotes greed, there is no way to escape making more greedy people and putting them at the top of society.

there is no effective way to fight them, and I see nothing wrong with fighting them head on. Putting the money back into the reward pool is the goal.

What do you even mean by true good? (good and evil are also social constructs so it doesn't even matter)

I agree with @alxgraham. Trying to start a war over the reward pool will not make haejin, nor his followers go away.

It will likely gain haejin even more followers, so he will make even more money and have more influence. Then bernie will cry reward pool rape and the cycle will never end.