
I decided to not bow to the threats I received. Fuck them.

Please please contemplate the possibility of ignoring the guy and his crypto witchcraft. I know you're a giant compared to myself, duh, but at the same time, it takes all types. I'm a hyper creative childish figure with skills that could certainly be brought to bear if and when the goal becomes to demonstrate conclusively, that you ARE, not just a good whale, but a fucking Great Whale. Alx PS: i'll stop commenting now, but all nighters, they tend to get weird. :)

ignoring problems does not make them go away

But for the most part, unless you're making a controlled "bern", it's not most effective IMO, fighting fire with fires. I guess if bernie is putting a lot of money back in the reward pool for the people, that's cool, but i tend to think that the power could be used for true good. You cannot really defeat evil, and actually have to replace it. If haejin is that who knows, seems extreme, probably just mad greedy. Will fighting with haejin make him go away? Seems unlikely.

What do you think should be done @anarchyhasnogods?

capitalism is a system that promotes greed, there is no way to escape making more greedy people and putting them at the top of society.

there is no effective way to fight them, and I see nothing wrong with fighting them head on. Putting the money back into the reward pool is the goal.

What do you even mean by true good? (good and evil are also social constructs so it doesn't even matter)

I agree with @alxgraham. Trying to start a war over the reward pool will not make haejin, nor his followers go away.

It will likely gain haejin even more followers, so he will make even more money and have more influence. Then bernie will cry reward pool rape and the cycle will never end.

them going away isn't the point, its to redistribute the amount of money he is getting from the pool.

and follows are not where his money is coming from, the vast majority is coming from a single person