Today I watched a documentary on a murderer (Rebecca Francis) who is a trophy hunter. If you do not know what a trophy hunter is, It is someone who kills animals just to put them in their home as a trophy. These people make me sick , they are nothing more than muderers. Don't get me wrong I understand hunting for your food, but just to kill an animal so you can make a rug , stuff it , or hang it's head on a wall is just sick. In my eyes these people are no different than someone who murders humans. They even kill them and then take photos of themselves smiling next to their kill and post it to Instagram and Facebook. What kind of sick lowlife heartless trash does this? Why is this not illegal?
Here she is with some of her trophy kills. WHAT A SICK PERSON
All Photo Sources Google Images
This is just sad and sick that these animals had to die just so this sick person can get her murder fix. This kind of hunting needs to be illegal, but probably never will be with the large amounts of money these people pay to go hunt these animals.
According to
The African lion is listed as Vulnerable on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List
of Threatened Species (IUCN Red List) and Endangered and Threatened under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act (ESA).4 African lion trophy hunts can cost USD$13,500-49,000. African lion trophies were
imported primarily from South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. African lion trophies
This is just one example there are many other on
There is truly nothing that infuriates me more. I am totally for hunting and gathering as a means to provide food and other materials to survive, like the hunting and gathering indigenous tribes all over the world or even native Americans. But I agree, to go around luring harmless animals out into any area so you can shoot them and put them on your damn wall is absolutely despicable. I don't understand why our species seems to think that animals are below us and don't matter. They have feelings too and grieve just like us. If aliens came here and treated humans like that we would all be freaking out. I think the reservations that allow these people to come there should be fined heavily for accepting the money and facilitating this crap, that's where we make this change. We can't have businesses offering easy ways to kill these animals for major profits and exhort ignorant selfish people to not engage. Thank you for sharing.
I completely agree with you , thank you for the great comment.
First let me state that I am an avid hunter. Knowing this, I recently had a visitor to my man cave that was shocked that I only had one rack of deer antlers (not the head) on the wall and no other animals. She was shocked and said, "I figured you'd have mounts all over the walls". My response was no because I hunt for meat. The antlers were from the first buck I ever killed, and cried over, as a kid. Also, the head and pelt are discarded during meat processing.
I'm not going to judge trophy hunters or wish them ill but I disagree with them wholeheartedly. Here is my argument for meat hunting and against trophy hunting.
Yeah. It is better to hunt with a photocamera. There will be better photos and animals alive
That is the only way I shoot animals , With my Canon :)
Like photos with your prey :)
This is absolutely sick. Hate is bad thing but this is when I start hating someone. What next, she'll hunt a cat or a puppy because they would look cute on her wall? Disgusting and very sad ☹
I know I usually only post my photography , but when I seen this on tv I had to do a post , It is sad and sick and there is a special place in hell for people like her.
Absolutely agree! I think more people should share so hopefully she and others who do the same ,,get,, how wrong this is. But I guess their chicken size brain unable to process it. I remember there was a story about dentist who received death treats after shooting rare lion and sharing images on social media, at least little fear would stop them from killing wild rare animals.
As far as I know...the dentist is now dead, having been mauled by one of his targets. Karma I guess.
that was the other hunter, Italian guy who also posted images with hunted lions, he fell off the cliff during hunting but its true, karma got him. the dentist doing rather well, driving his brand new Porsche and enjoying life, wonder how long till karma gets him too.
He got what he deserved
Sick People :(
I have seen this before... those people are not even real hunters, a real hunter kill animals to eat, not for the pleasure of having a head hanging on their walls. A real hunter have respect to the animal, like most indigeneous tribes, they honour each animal they take to feed their people. That bitch deserve to suffer the pain she gave !
I agree I have no problem with people who hunt for food , it's the ones killing for sport. It's sick , It's murder
Hunting for food is fine, it's been part of our human evolution. Hunting for sport (slaughter), not fine.
One of these bitches died last week, I'm so happy her pathetic soul has finally rid the world of its existence.
I wish them all to be eaten by a lion.
One less sick heartless piece of trash
Very interesting!
Thank You
I have to disagree. People are above animals in every way, if people are free to do this they should be able to do this if they like.