First let me state that I am an avid hunter. Knowing this, I recently had a visitor to my man cave that was shocked that I only had one rack of deer antlers (not the head) on the wall and no other animals. She was shocked and said, "I figured you'd have mounts all over the walls". My response was no because I hunt for meat. The antlers were from the first buck I ever killed, and cried over, as a kid. Also, the head and pelt are discarded during meat processing.
I'm not going to judge trophy hunters or wish them ill but I disagree with them wholeheartedly. Here is my argument for meat hunting and against trophy hunting.
- It does not get more organic, free range, and non gmo than a wild animal
- Who had a better life? A wild animal living free or a caged animal on a feed lot
- Unless you are a vegan, which I totally respect, you need to understand the horrendous food industry is not the best way to harvest meat from an animal
- Trophy hunters want the monster, Why? Old dairy cows and old bulls end up at mcdonalds because it is low quality meat. So you want low quality meat and to pay $400 for a story on your wall? Take the meat, bow your head, and thank the animal for feeding you and your family. Lots of the above pictures are actually great meat animals so if she took the meat then awesome but a giraffe, lion, bear, etc. you really are just a killer at that point
- Pure trophy hunting is seriously terrible, unless it is a cull animal, think back on why you like to hunt and if the serenity of being in nature and observing animals in their natural habitat while being unseen isn't at the core then you should probably seek professional help. If it is the thrill of the hunt, you against a beast, etc. then seriously think about it. Sure I get excited when I see a huge deer or turkey walk into range but honestly it's because it's more meat that I didn't have to feed and all my hard work and prep paid off but at the core its the solitude and getting closer to nature that should drive you... and basically free, organic, cage-free, non gmo, grass fed and finished meat.