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RE: You Will Not Find Lasting Happiness By Seeking More, But By Wanting Less

in #happy7 years ago

The older I get, the less "stuff" I find that I want. After spending six weeks at a workshop in another state, and only having the amount of stuff that could fit on my carry-on luggage, I realized how little the rest of my things matter to me. And I started to downsize on stuff, which I really didn't have so much of to begin with (compared to the average American).

But I still want experiences. And--not sure if it's a bug or a feature with me--I want new, exciting and foreign experiences. Especially the kind involving travel. And those cost money, just the same as a new TV or phone would.


Ahh, but if you aren't spending your money on that new TV or phone then you actually have money to do the things that really matter! For you, traveling. That is the crux, most people spend $5 here $20 there and think nothing of it, but at the end of the month they have nothing left. Cut all that crap back, and spend money only on things that matter and you stack up those $5's and $20's until you can easily pay for those trips that you desire so much.