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RE: HF21 (and 22) are done, how do you feel?

in #hardfork6 years ago

The problem in that comment vote should get fixed. Small stake holders now could not even reward commentators which are anticipating a little morsel of the pie.


I'm not convinced comments even should get rewards. It creates a lot of fake comments and unauthentic engagement.

If there were no comment rewards, then comments would be fewer but more organic and authentic. I get wanting to reward your readers and there is value in that, but I am not sure it exceeds the side effects.

Of course if the comment is not "well thought of" or "heartfelt" or "Sincere" or spam we can be able to determine with common sense if it deserves an upvote Mark.
Plus comments are regarded as posts too.

Plus comments are regarded as posts too.

Sure on the blockchain it has no knowledge of post/comment, everything is a comment. But a comment that takes you 3-5 seconds is not the same as a post that takes you 30-90 minutes.

The blockchain can tell the difference in that comments have a parent and posts do not. It just currently does not do so for most purposes (I believe there is still a time lockout on posts but not comments, but I'm not sure).

If we wanted to get rid of rewards on comments we could do so. It would make comments a lot cheaper in terms of RCs as well.

Why do you believe this? To rationalize these changes?
Fake comments are easy to discriminate from true, meaningful comments.

I disagree, many comments that look authentic are purely because they know the author is known for upvoting commenters.

In parts of the German community it is for sure different. The few fake commenters are ignored and sooner or later they give up.

There are of course exceptions to everything.

Really? When a comment says "Great post" is that actual feedback or just spam? I honestly can not tell.

Who cares, they won´t get upvoted anyway, so no reason to waste time on them.

Again, tipping a good comment is the solution.
Commentators, like us on this post, will not get any share of the post payout, but can be freely upvoted by anybody just to “tip” a quality reply.
Am i right?
I agree on this.

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