Usually doctors do agree that butter isn't healthy for you, but the ones breaking the consensus are typically doctors who want to increase sales of their own book.
Even in Finland we have one popular doctor, author to multiple books and the hero of people on low-carb diets - but even his books have claimed some studies are not counting butter as a cardiovascular threat even though they do.
Usually people promoting butter safety are cherry picking from studies, even using studies which do not even include butter as a reference to prove butter is safe to eat.
"Well butter wasn't included as we're studying smoking affecting cardiovascular health..."
I still eat butter though, but not because I'm pretending it's healthy.
This is an interesting book worth a read on the topic. The title might put you off a little:
Life without bread.
Life without bread..
Even if it doesn't refer to me, it sounds like a pain.
They might have a point there, but I believe it can be healthy to eat moderate amounts of carbonhydrates and bread even though most of us eat far too much of them.
Just like I do.
Would anyone write a book "Life without Tarazkp - Low Australian Finland" ? That would be terrible, right? :(
Moderation is the thing even though I struggle with it myself :/
This made me laugh. Finland wouldn't survive though.
It's easy to be very moderate with things which are not tasty, like... kale. If you eat too much kale, it can be harmful to you, but for some reason only a minority of the people have issues with too much kale.
However with carbs, it's extremely easy to eat too much and difficult to be moderate. At least for some, leaving out most sources of carbs completely has helped as it's easier to cut something out from your diet than to eat it in moderation.
I'm assuming it's the "bag of chips" effect. If you take one, you'll end up eating them all.
To me there are many bags of chips. Except kale, that doesn't have a bag of chips effect at all.
I know.
Just imagine if all healthy low energy stuff would have a similar effect?
"Wow I can't stop eating all this broccoli!"
If I were to be given a bucket full of bilberries (also known as the european blueberry), I could eat quite big portion of it. Well not all of it, of course, unless it's a small bucket, but it has a similar effect.
However bags of chips are cheaper and available all the time.