Metabolic Syndrome ( when overweight kills more people than underweight. )

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Metabolic syndrome , the evil inside us , kill more than world war , car accidents and terrorism attack
That is a true fact according to WHO ( World Health Organization ) data witch showed that 65% of the world population live in countries where chance of death by obesity complication is far more than death due to malnutrition .
Among all complication of obesity , Metabolic syndrome set on the top , 34% (third) of population actually have metabolic syndrome .

Metabolic syndrome , the evil inside us , kill more than world war , car accidents and terrorism attack , i mean all infections by viruses , bacterial and fungal look like beautiful innocent girl compare to the beast ( Metabolic syndrome ) , the only resons that we cant appreciate it yet because it kill slowly in long time ( in years ) started with some fat in your belly then complicated by diabetes mellitus , Hypertension , fatty liver , Obstructive sleep apnia , erectile dysfunction and at the end death by heart attack or ischemic stroke .

I hope i got your attention to urge you to know more about Metabolic syndrome , actually if you have one of the following you need to check the others and if you have 3 of the following , you have Metabolic syndrome and you need to see a doctor NOW

1 - Waist circumference ( belly ) more than 102 cm (40 in) in men or 88 cm (35 in) in women .

2 - high Blood pressure ≥130/85 mm Hg .

3 - impaired serum glucose level ( Fasting glucose more than 100 mg/dL ) .

4 - impaired lipid profile : Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL .

5 - impaired lipid profile : HDL-C < 40 mg/dL in men or < 50 mg/dL in women .

What is the risk factor
Metabolic syndrome have many factor , the common is categorised to tow type
modifiable : obesity , lack of exerciser , lifestyle and insulin resistance
non modifiable : genetic and age ( lately metabolic syndrome documented in very young people )

The best known treatment for metabolic syndrome is wight loss , exercise and control risk factor like blood pressure , diabetes , cholesterol level and others .
The good news is that the prevention is the same simply to watching your weight , activity and food , So eating healthy , exercise more is the way to avoid allowing this villain manipulating your body . Why not starting doing this from now ?

Eating healthy
There is a meth that eating less is healthy and that is proved to be wrong , it is not mostly about how much you eat , it is really about what you eat , for example eating 0.5 kg of vegetables not like eating the same amount of sweet donuts , the concept here is eating natural things witch contain a lot of fiber and slow releasing glucose , fat and nutrient is better than eating fast manipulated food bump glucose into your blood suddenly witch make your organ work under pressure and load your liver with fat , if you do that once no harm , but if you are doing it daily and daily for years then you end up with what this blog about .
The massage is to treat glucose and fat like a poison killing you slowly if you don't watch it .

That in summery , am committed to make health blog short and simple to be readable for steamian in 2 minutes
I hope this blog helped in way or another , looking for your feedback , wish you healthy new year steemian :)
Dr Araki

American Heart Association

if you want to know who am i , take a look in my introducing blog . click here


I like articles like this. It's a good reminder that we all get caught up in the tasty fatty "foods" that are not helpful for our bodies. Calling them "foods" is a misnomer anyway. There is nothing natural about them. We are careful about the fuel we put in our vehicles but not into our bodies. We tend to look at food as enjoyment, or entertainment first and as a fuel last.

that is so accurate example @countrygirl , actually you summarized the blog in 3 line
Thnx for the input

Very informative for the Steem Community! Thanks for this