I did not know all about this thanks for sharing
Keep sharing
The theme of the discourse is meat-eating, which testifies to a type of criticism that Gotama himself faced during his lifetime. The Buddha did not make vegetarianism compulsory but permitted his monastic disciples to consume meat, on condition that the animal was not killed specifically for them”:
The allowance to eat meat is “pure in three respects” (tikotiparisuddha) in the Buddhist teachings. The details of this can be found at Vin I.238, as well as at MN I.369 [Jivaka Sutta, Majjhima Nikaya Sutta No. 55]:
Please don't copy paste from my article without leaving a couple sentences showing that you actually read my article.
Like this morning, my long post was.up.for 2 seconds and a guy commented 'great post' .
Lol... speed reader?? I think not. How rude!
yeah, little flagging helps our young steemians grow up to be big dolphins or even orcas and whales !
Although Not the whole post but read these Sentences and little bit more from this post