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RE: E.16 | Fluoride & Other Toxins in Your Municipal Water Supplies Are Poisoning You. They're FULL of Cancerous NeuroToxins & Crap. Here's some VISUAL Proof. Is YOUR Water Supply Polluted Similarly? | Still w. VIDEO Seminar I Appear In.

in #health7 years ago

It is one of the best ones, yes.

So many people see this and read it and wonder....... I know I did like 20 yrs before I ever heard of Agenda 21 or this stuff being in water even MAYBE being a toxin.

I was indoctrinated to statist camp, I am glad I am awake and have helped others along the way, it is our job.


Agenda 21 is even more crazy! I try to educate others, a lot of times get crazy looks.When people are willing to open their eyes and stop drinking the kool-aid it makes it all worth while. Keep up the good fight!

Look at the idiot comments in this section honestly.