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RE: E.16 | Fluoride & Other Toxins in Your Municipal Water Supplies Are Poisoning You. They're FULL of Cancerous NeuroToxins & Crap. Here's some VISUAL Proof. Is YOUR Water Supply Polluted Similarly? | Still w. VIDEO Seminar I Appear In.

in #health7 years ago

Wow! A lot of information here, bottom line fluoride is a known poison and yet we add it to drinking water and other items. What really stuck out to me was the toothpaste warning if swallowed compared to drinking water. Sheeple need to wake up.


It is one of the best ones, yes.

So many people see this and read it and wonder....... I know I did like 20 yrs before I ever heard of Agenda 21 or this stuff being in water even MAYBE being a toxin.

I was indoctrinated to statist camp, I am glad I am awake and have helped others along the way, it is our job.

Agenda 21 is even more crazy! I try to educate others, a lot of times get crazy looks.When people are willing to open their eyes and stop drinking the kool-aid it makes it all worth while. Keep up the good fight!

Look at the idiot comments in this section honestly.