As i recall 241 asks what carrion is, and that eating the meat of a bird is not carrion, then it goes on declaring what is. Carrion in this context do not simply mean rotten smell or bad smell, since it is declared to be equal to giving in to our desires, or sinful acts rather. Desires such as the once above.
The point might be that eating meat is not sinful since it has been prepared and served and should be enjoyed for the blessed one but, again, there are other texts, dear to our Buddha that directly forbids all things that can harm sentient beings.
I like Lankavatara, spoken by Buddha :)
1.Present-day animals may have been one's kin in the past.
2.One's own parents and relatives may in a future life be born as an animal.
3.There is no logic in exempting the meat of some animals on customary grounds while not exempting all meat.
4.Meat is impure as it is always contaminated by body wastes.
5.The prospect of being killed spreads terror amongst animals.
6.All meat is nothing other than carrion (decaying flesh or like “road kill” in modern terms).
7.Meat eating makes the consumer to be cruel and sensual.
8.Man is not a carnivore by nature.
5 Could be avoided by killing a lone animal, by swift methods and stealth, at least in 2018, but conflicts deeply with 1-4.
6 might again refer to more then bad small, it might declare that meat equals sin or living in desires parted from our inner moral.
By this logic it can NOT be pure, it must have been desired by someone, the killing, and it must be derived out of carrion, egoism, desires, sin :)
8 Sceince and I agrees upon this, we are not carnivores, so eating meat will force us to go against our nature, depart from the balanced middle path, and resort to "carrion" which can be translated to both meat and sin here, like the examples in 242-243, greed for tastes and nihilism :)
In this sutra the Buddha states:
“There is no meat that is pure in three ways: not premeditated, not asked for, and not impelled; therefore refrain from eating meat.”
This is according to me the true essence of Buddhism and how it would regard the act of just eating meat :)
Thanks for the kind response, peace <3
@clausewitz I will dialogue with you later today. Friday through Monday I work in my studio on art projects. I will also respond to you comments on my other article about nutrition later today. Thank you for sharing your valuable with me.