Challenge Completed. I love that I have my girlfriend lifting now but it does seem to screw with my routine since I have to change some of the lifts for her.
DB Incline Bench - 10x120, 5x150, 5x150
HS Row - 3x10x180#
HS Ab Machine - 3x15x90
Side bends - 3x24x45#
Hammer curl - 2x10x35# - 8x40#
Lateral Raise - 3x10x20#
HS Incline Bench - 10x140#, 2x5x190#
Tricep Pushdown - 3x10x80#
Lat Pulldown - 3x10x120#
Seated Rear Delt Fly - 3x10x90#
Close-Grip Cable Row - 2x10x120#
Total - 355
I love hammer curls too! Looks like you had a great upper body workout today.