Like the new format although I got worried for a second you missed today because no Gina Bot notification.
Challenge Completed!
Squats - 10x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x245, 3x285
Hanging Leg Circles - 3x10
Arnold Crunches - 3x12x100#
RM Deadlift - 5x135, 5x165, 5x195, 5x225
Hack Squat Machine - 3x8x270 -Upped weight to punish legs for missing progression.
Standing Calf Raise - 3x12x270#
Total - 176
A little disappointing my new ab routine means less reps, but holy hell are hanging circles and wipers tough.
Thanks for telling me about GinaBot. I just signed up for it today. I never got announcements when I was mentioned in a post before, so this is going to be very helpful.
Why did the bot not register my new post? Nothing really changed except the charts.
Gina is my girl, she is awesome. Also I suggest you use for your posts. Can save drafts, better editor, notifications, and if you have enough follower SP (you do) they have a bot that gives a decent upvote if you use the busy tag. The catch is they have a 5% beneficiary on posts, but based on what you generally get for upvotes on these posts the bot would make up for that.
The reason I didn't get tagged yesterday is because with the new format you are only using the mention feature for the people who posted the day before, you used to mention everyone that had participated at some point. I don't mind having to find the post though.
arnie crunches are my favorite ;)
I'm learning to love them now too!