New Format - 222,236 Total Team Reps (+2,730 added) - Steemit Daily 100+ Rep Fitness Challenge - Day # 95 - 3/11/18

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I tried to make this post easier on the eyes to attract more readers and save time on some of the manual work. Let me know what you think or if you have other ideas.

Daily Update: 11 Steemians for 2,730 reps today (222,236 overall by 32 people from 9 countries in 94 days).

The Challenge:

At least 100 honest reps of exercise every day. No excuses. No bullsh*t. Just actions, positivity, and results. Only post AFTER your reps are done. Always support each other.

  • You choose what types of exercise reps to do.
  • 30 minutes of fitness walking, running, spinning, biking, cross-country skiing, etc., can count as 100 reps if you need to rest or can't use weights.
  • I'll award 1 SBD for every 10,000 rep milestone you hit. (10 SBD paid)
  • I run the numbers daily which is sometimes harder than my reps.


  • Weights not required.
  • Do real reps with good form, aiming for 100+.
  • Start your reply with "Challenge Completed".
  • Reply with a list of the exercises and reps you did.
  • Cumulative tallies are appreciated as a separate line.
  • Only submit reps you've done, not ones you're planning to do.
  • Use the tag "fitnesschallenge" on associated posts.
  • Upvoting or resteeming is appreciated to reach more.


  • Stretch before and after exercise.
  • Breathe properly on each rep.
  • Quality over quantity.
  • Eat a healthy snack after and stay hydrated.
  • Start with exercises you enjoy to build up for harder ones.
  • Take before pictures to appreciate results over time.
  • Feel good about your accomplishments.

My Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps:

-50 Calf Bar Raises (75 pounds)
-25 Bar Shrugs (75 pounds)
-25 Shoulder Presses (75 pounds)

My Daily Assessment:

Saw some friends for the first time in a while last night and they were pretty damn shocked to see my development from al of these reps. Trying to figure out how to improve this blog and get us all more attention. I'll keep tweaking the layout.

See All Of My Progress Pics After 93 Straight Days & 11,212 Reps

Original Intro Post With My Motivation

Rep Chart 31118.png

@rmsbodybuilding and @steemmatt with attendance of 94/94 days.

Daily Rep Count:

500 - @rmsbodybuilding 350 - @thevillan 350 - @notorious562 305 - @mgood (mind & body) 300 - @kristihh 263 - @drhag 244 - @musclegirlfusion 118 - @khufu 100 - @gruber.muc 100 - @ninjamike 100 - @steemmatt

Feedback from @mightpossibly:

"I find it deeply satisfying to do these reps, which is a big deal. I've always hated the gym and prefer to exercise at home. But I've lacked the discipline to do it. It sort of feels like I have gym buddies now, without the hassle of going to the gym."

Feedback from @notorious562:

"I seriously cannot explain how much this group pushes and motivate me to keep working harder. I love this fitness community and the support and encouragement will help us achieve our goals."

Feedback from @khufu:

"Your challenge has helped immensely to keep me motivated lately. I've had a lot of... problems going on so your challenge has been a quantum of sanity in an insane world for me."

Please support our hard work and dedication and ask any questions in the comments below.

Please also resteem this new format if you don't mind to try to get a fresh start on spreading the word on our challenge.



Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone, its a monday morning where I'm at. My phone was dead all through yesterday because in my country its a thing for there to be power outage the whole day.
Sunday Challenge was completed with 60 push ups, 54 squats and 5 minutes(60reps)abs exercise. Total is 174 reps

While this morning, I did 50 push ups, 3minutes abs exercise(36 reps) and 50 squats, total is 136 reps.

Total total= 310 reps for past two days.

@steemmatt - Excellent new format. The graphs really make it easier to see what is going on.

Daily Challenge Completed - 310 reps
200 reps - Walking 30 minutes X 2; includes down and up elevation of 300 ft
5 reps - yoga asanas - 5 min X 2
5 reps - pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) 5 min X 2

100 reps = 1+ hours X 2 Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi (morning and evening)
(All reps from yesterday and night)

Challenge Completed.

Daily Challenge for Sunday (apologies if I'm posting in the wrong day):

1.5 hours of Parkour training.
I think 100 reps works for this training... it's very stop start... you basically sprint for 10 seconds and rest for 20-30 while other people have a turn. It's brutally exhausting at times, and not so hard at other times.

As long as you're not posting two workouts for two different days on the same post, it'll all level out. 100 reps is more than fair.

I was watching basic Parkour moves on YouTube the other day to try to learn a few to impress my friends. I wish they had a place you could practice where there was padding and it was idiot-proof.

It's pretty fun, but yeah, I'm nowhere near any level to take it outside just yet.
There's a few parkour gyms around... maybe Google it? The place I go has a huge range of demographics that go to it... everything from kids to a bunch of older women, it's pretty great.

Daily Challenge Completed - 100 reps:
-50 Calf Bar Raises (75 pounds)
-25 Bar Shrugs (75 pounds)
-25 Shoulder Presses (75 pounds)

Challenge completed - 390 reps:

  • 50 warmup reps (50)


  • 12+8+8 Bench Press (s1:24kg, s2:28kg, s3:28kg) (28)
  • 12+12+11 Dumbbell Bench (s1:20kg, s2:24kg, s3:28kg) (35)
  • 12+8+8 High Cable Crossover (s1:20kg, s2:22.5kg, s3:22.5kg) (28)
  • 12+12+9 Wide push-ups (33)
  • 11x1 set extremely slowly decending sit-ups (11)


  • 12+12+11 Hanging Dips leaning forward (with rubber band) 12x3 (35)
  • 12+12+10 Dips (s1:10kg, s2:15kg, s3:20kg) (34)
  • 12+12+12 Triceps Kickbacks (s1:6kg, s2:7kg, s3:8kg) (36)
  • 12 Curl Bar Triceps Extension (1 set) (12)
  • 12x2+10x2+22x2 Triceps Cable Superset (rope+bar) (can't remember) (88)

Love the new design, great job. Good idea to put the statistics in a graph instead of plain text.

Daily Challenge Complete - 388 Reps

Curls for the girls ;)

Standing EZ Bar - 4x10
Dips - 4x10
Seated Hammer - 3x10
Seated Tricep Dumbell Extensions - 3x10
Rope Cable Curls - 3x10
Rope Cable Tricep Pushdowns- 3x10
Preacher Curls - 3x10
Preacher Curls Single Arm Negatives - 3x8
Reverse Grip Tricep Extensions - 3x10
Reverse Grip Tricep Extensions Single Arm Negatives - 3x8
Hip Thrusters - 4x20

Side Note: I finally decided on and ordered a laptop! So come the end of the week I'll be able to start putting together actual posts that I can link to :)

Everyone is killing there biceps with preacher curls. Great work brother!

Thanks man! My motivation was peaked a bit after this weekend when my girlfriend pointed out that she could tell a difference in my arms. After that, I was just thinking, "Yeeaaaas, time to blast these suckas!" haha

Ha ha that's what sparks me too! When people notice your gains can defitely pump one up! Good stuff!

Nice! Don't know how you typed this all out after that many curls though.

I'm not gonna lie... washing my hair and putting on my shirt proved tiresome hahaha

Hey Matt,
I kinda am digging the new setup. It is a bit easier to follow along with the graphs. But you know me I am just easing going and will go with the majority. Its your page and baby whatever you decide I am cool with.
If it makes your life easier I would say run with it though.

Daily Challenge Complete- Monday 3.12.18
Today's workout:
Push Ups-80
Hammer Curls-100
Tricep extension-135
Flys w/20 LB-50
Shoulder shrugs w/20LB-40

Total Reps: 405

My Notes:
Yesterday, I ran 9.3 miles in the rain was super pumped. I used today as a "rest day," but still decided to kill a few reps. I have been consistent with my workouts and I challenge everyone to take a look at @steemmatts daily challenge to help get and stay motivated.

I also am doing a 50 push up challenge in which I have already destroyed over 2,100 push ups in less than a month. I am still trying to get more people involved so if your interested please let me know at @notorious562 and use #50pushupchallenge so I can support you on your journey.

Gotcha on the push-ups. I really don't do too many unless I'm away from my weights, but I'll try to chip in here and there.

I would greatly appreciate your contributions. You have definitely motivated me to continue updating my 50 push up challenge. Hope all is well brother!

I like the new format Matt!

Challenge completed 145 reps
Gymnastics practice

Challenge completed - 720 reps

That graph at the bottom is cool showing the daily team reps, steadily increasing over time. Will we one day see 100, 000 daily reps?

You are killing it! Life is back to normal for me back to work. I am still trying to average 500 reps a day. Keeping working hard brother.

Thanks bud, yeah I have been a bit on and off lately, but was good to smash out a solid session last night :D
500 reps is a good day, even350 - 400 is still a solid workout if your lifting heavy

Like the new format although I got worried for a second you missed today because no Gina Bot notification.

Challenge Completed!

Squats - 10x135, 5x185, 5x225, 5x245, 3x285
Hanging Leg Circles - 3x10
Arnold Crunches - 3x12x100#
RM Deadlift - 5x135, 5x165, 5x195, 5x225
Hack Squat Machine - 3x8x270 -Upped weight to punish legs for missing progression.
Standing Calf Raise - 3x12x270#

Total - 176

A little disappointing my new ab routine means less reps, but holy hell are hanging circles and wipers tough.

Thanks for telling me about GinaBot. I just signed up for it today. I never got announcements when I was mentioned in a post before, so this is going to be very helpful.

Why did the bot not register my new post? Nothing really changed except the charts.

Gina is my girl, she is awesome. Also I suggest you use for your posts. Can save drafts, better editor, notifications, and if you have enough follower SP (you do) they have a bot that gives a decent upvote if you use the busy tag. The catch is they have a 5% beneficiary on posts, but based on what you generally get for upvotes on these posts the bot would make up for that.

The reason I didn't get tagged yesterday is because with the new format you are only using the mention feature for the people who posted the day before, you used to mention everyone that had participated at some point. I don't mind having to find the post though.

arnie crunches are my favorite ;)

I'm learning to love them now too!

Challenge Completed ( 292 Reps)

First off....Love the graph!! Gives a great visual to all the hardwork being done!!! I think it will definitely help motivate others to join!! :-)
Second, sorry that I have not been posting!! I have been working out, just haven't had the time to sit and write it all down and count up reps until really late (my time) so it's too late by then to make the daily post!! I have to renew one of my training certs, so lots of studying (700 page book) AND I am leaving for a cruise this week so it's been a busy couple of days for me!! Still getting it in though so I am happy about that!! If any of you follow me on IG(fitchick_365) or FB (ABsolutionFitness365), I do try to post there more often because I have a significant following (still trying to bring them so you can always check there see more of my workouts. ;-)

Today was Leg Day and I hit it hard to get ready for our upcoming 3-Day Girl's Trip to Mexico, We leave on Friday!! ^_^ Still have so much to do and so little time, but I am determined to make it happen anyway!!

Cardio 30 min Arc Elliptical 100 reps
Barbell Squats (100 lbs 3x10) 30 reps
Weighted Hip Thrusters w/ Resistance Band (60 lbs- 3x15) 45 reps
Single Leg Deadlifts (60 lbs - 3x12 Each Leg) 72 reps
Wide Leg Conventional Deadlifts (100 lbs - 3x15) 45 reps

If you're doing the reps and don't have time for a full write-up, just post your total reps with a sentence summary and we'll trust you. I know you do the work.

Ok, great!! Thanks! That definitely will save me some time!

Daily Challenge completed - 144 reps

Details in my blog

Turkish Getups 8 reps
Backsquats 40 reps
Sling Row 32 reps
1/2 Frog Mobility - no count
Kb Swing 20 reps
KB Press 40 reps
Kosac Squat 4 reps

The new outfit of your post looks good. I also find it more transparent.

@dj123 - How do you like this revised format? Any ideas to add?

Btw looks like we have another member joining us from my blog who sounds serious and another who will be checking it out ;)

@thevillan - Way to go. Your new nickname is going to be "the Hero".

I really like the new format, thumbs up :)