
We need more of that on earth!!

click here!This post received a 22% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ausbitbank! For more information,

OMG I love your post!!!

You are so beautiful, @elissahawke. Inside and out! Can't wait to do this vid. Thanks for investing in our health and happiness, by sharing it with us :-)

aw thanks thats nice from a stunner like you @erikaharris ...we've both got the EH eh?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yoga is great, i do it after boxing and i feel awesome, I will be doing this as well

great @rhedrick32! Boxers and big muscly people need it more than anyone! And they often feel like they "can't"do it, because they ären't flexible"... so glad you already intuitively found your way into it

Remember to Breathe.

you just improved my whole life @gititiki : )))) That was fabtastic VEGETABLE haaaaaaa that last one is my new finish!

You will never forget that video. :-)

i feel like this guy has grossed me out somewhere before, he's probably the lovliest guy, i just have some creepy ,memory of him from somewhere ?

Thanks for sharing.
Will follow that.

thanks @owura! I hope you enjoy yourself : )


Thanks for sharing something that is surely beneficial for all of us :)

Its true, even just doing the breathing for 30mins would be of great benefit, add a li'l rolling around and you'll feel like a new person @ danuahmed

Great! Nice video. I've been doing yoga and stretches every evening for two years after i started suffering from panic attacks. It has really helped me both mentally and physically. I still have a lot of stiffness in my body, but just breathing into different stretches and just focusing on that is such a nice break from everyday stress and tribulations.

Hey @scandinavianlife! I am so happy to hear your testimony! It is spending time with ourself that is most wonderful, I am so happy to hear when someone heals themself with regular simple practice of self love- congratulations and thanks for sharing as it can help so many others feeling like no one or nothing can help - the answer is always in YOU

That is so true. I dont think I ever was "in my body" Always in my head. Now I am in my brain in my body if you know what i mean. Makes sense to me when you think about ..the brain connects with your body through the nervous system so for example nervousness in the stomach or nausea is "easily" treated by being aware of the connection between your mind and stomach. Its the same thing. Try to feel nervous when youre breathing into your belly and being present. Its not possible :) Just practicing that 30 min every day changed my life..among other things also of course. But i give a lot of credit to that. So do so many other people :)

i love when people heal themselves, save themselves from a potential lifetime of unnecessary and damaging medications which compound problem upon themselves, they are saving many other thousands that they will never know ... breath is everything. There is a great thing called the Buteyko breathing method... it sounds like you are already doing it, but it will fascinate you as you will see the interrealtionship between hyperventilation and anxiety and even asthma attacks... i love healing methods which are FREE, readily available, do not require equipment etc Also if you dont know the Wim Hof method, that is fascinating research into the incredible mind abilities available through breaTH awareness!

That I'm definitely going to check out. Super relevant for me. Thank you! Hyperventilation happened to me, and I'm not sure yet what came first - the panic attacks or the hyperventilation. I havent had them in almost a year now. They're just lovely to get in your car while driving through a tunnel. :D After reading a lot about anxiety attacks and hyperventilation I've been trying to get them by choice. But that is freaking impossible. So my conclusion so far is that it must that unconscious breathing that begin to happen when you're super stressed out that causes it - and THEN you totally freak out when you know whats going to happen (in my case dead hands and legs) But I decided I was not going to let it stop me from doing I just drove through the tunnel again, and again and again. I've had episodes where I almost freaked out in tunnels, but I'm so quick to recognise my breath and pulse now, so I immediately do a "breath check" when I feel somethings not right. I was so lost before, not in contact with my body at all.

thank you for this post! Something I may need to make a part of my routine i think :)
just in the process of joining "Team Australia" and found your profile! Excited to see more of your posts

click on.
Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please

Excellent work Elissa, I appreciate this so much!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment