But what exactly is ‘Covid19’? It’s a disease that hasn’t been proven to be caused by a virus that in turn hasn’t been proven to exist - a disease that has a vast and ever growing array of symptoms, ranging from absolutely nothing in most people who catch it (‘asymptomatic cases’), to mild cold-like symptoms and slightly more severe flu-like symptoms, to pneumonia and heart failure and sepsis and other deadly ailments, and in the most extreme cases even motorcycle accidents!
This was and is for me one of the most important, because so simple, findings about this alleged pandemic. When we let ourselves drift so far that we can no longer put our own symptoms, such as the continuously recurring cough or fever or cold that was considered normal before the hysteria, into simple words like "I have a cold" or "I have the flu" and leave the authority to interpret our bodies to others, what has happened happens. I have received such ridiculous letters from my son's school, who have also integrated intestinal complaints into this "symptom catalogue" and basically it is just silly that Covid is now being attributed to all kinds of symptoms, an approach to actually attribute everything that somehow makes you ill to it.
So when someone answers the question "how can you tell that you have Corona?" that they basically don't know for sure without having taken a test, that is a clear statement about having disenfranchised oneself.
Bringing "long-term effects" into this whole issue would be akin to saying that whoever is born is exposed to health risks in the long term of their life. Sure, that can always be argued. But "long-term" is not consistent with pandemic and is also an oxymoron, I think. Because if one were to take pandemic seriously, then after it has taken hold of all people, it would peter out because either all those who suffered a deadly disease have either died and the others have become immune to it. It is hard to beat the ignorance of having escaped the alleged pandemic in the summer and then suddenly being threatened by it again in the winter, as if a pandemic were taking a break when it is so terribly deadly. Therefore, we are not dealing with a killer virus, but with seasonal viruses that come and go, that is, go about their normal business.
I think it's important that you also brought up the comparison to HIV, which is constructed in the same way and have made peoples lives a hell who were diagnosed with it, a lifelong stigma.
Thank you for your interaction, as always @erh.germany! Appreciate hearing different viewpoints, and I am truly shocked by your story about your son’s school, and how stomach issues are now being lumped into covid. Although I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising at this point. It’s truly mind blowing that more people don’t start questioning the narrative when it gets as crazy and unbelievable as this! What’s next, they may just start saying that if a kid falls and breaks their leg it was covid...
At the rate things are going, pretty soon ‘Covid19’ will be the only disease left on earth, and all other causes of sickness and death will have vanished!
Thank you, I am happy to hear that you are open for my perspectives on the theme.
Right now I am exhausted and kind of disenchanted from my latest negotiations with a contractor of mine who dismissed me from my work, not accepting my mask exemption, not agreeing to my given solutions and alternatives to the working situation and not taking responsibility as the manager of a social institution towards a minority but only to the majority of workers, labeling them as the group "to be put under protection".
But aside from my disappointment in the whole affair I am glad that I stood to myself, that I did not let her making me feel bad or guilty for she started to express how angry she felt about me, and the assumptions I made about the bigger conflict she must have. You know, people become angry when someone dares to speak out the conflict, as they never do it themselves, because they fear to have the lesser arguments. She had none and it became clear during our phone call. I asked her to give me written notice and information from where the order comes to dismiss me and not accept my exemption in detail if not from her alone and that I must now think on how I am going to deal with the situation.
Though she immediately understood when I said: "So, you quitting our working relationship, what would be an appropriate reaction of mine? Just saying 'ohhhhh, well, if that is so, that I cannot work here without a mask, then, alright, I understand. Good bye, then!' certainly is not something, you'd expected from me?"
Well, let's see...