
It's perfectly fine health wise, it just doesn't have any super special benefits or magical power. It can be a good way to go if you don't get hungry in the morning like me and you aren't trying to pack on any muscle.

You are correct when you said it doesn't have magical powers. Unfortunately no diet really does. It would be awesome if there was a little blue pill that you could take to make all health problems vanish and you could reach all of your fitness goals but, until that day happens, the fitness community will continue to do it the tried-and-true method...Hard work! :) There are hundreds of diets out there that work really well it just depends on the goal :) In my opinion, every person is different and every diet plan needs to reflect that!

It can be if done correctly! It is a way of dieting that is meant to restrict the calories that you are consuming. It can be effective if done correctly but it isn't for everyone. Most diets if done correctly and you have the proper coaching will get you to your intended goal, it just depends on what kind of diet you prefer. :) Is there a specific question about intermittent fasting that you had? Maybe that can be a future post! :)