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RE: Hydronephrosis

in #health7 months ago

I knew this already as you know, but it's still confronting to read man. The good thing is you're moving in the right direction and the bad thing is it happened at all. Having said that, I always knew you were one in a hundred!

May I comment something? (You can't stop me...) With your weight loss you look remarkably like Vincent Cassel. Just saying. Maybe it's just the hair which he sported in his younger days.

Anyway, good post man, gets some of it off your chest so to speak.




Cheers dude, thanks for the supportive comments as always.

The hair, oh the hair... Why didn't I grow it at school - I've missed out as it looks well gray tied back!

... gets some of it off your chest so to speak.

I needed to write but felt so unordered in my mind - still does but something is down and maybe I can get get back on it a bit more now.

Abs at 50, there's a thought :)

You're welcome mate, I know what it's like to go through the ringer with a medical thing, it made me pretty angry, despondant at times and other things too, it's good to vent though, get it out there, and see it from a little further away.

You and your abs will push on and get shit done and don't worry about grey hair, happens to the best of us.

So many folks here have not had it smoothly of late, it's rather good that we can vent and receive support.

Thank you!