For those tired of reading the 'look at me i'm healthy posts', or those who are just wondering what's been my main focus this summer...
Hydronephrosis typically occurs when a kidney swells due to urine failing to drain properly from the kidney to the bladder. This most commonly affects only one kidney, but can involve both. Hydronephrosis isn’t a primary disease. It’s a secondary condition that results from some other underlying disease. It’s structural and is the result of a blockage or obstruction in the urinary tract. Hydronephrosis is said to affect about 1 in every 100 babies.
Hey, I'm one of those 100!
Normally, urine flows through the urinary tract with minimal pressure. Pressure can build up if there’s an obstruction in the urinary tract. After urine builds up for an extended period, your kidney can enlarge.
Your kidney may become so engorged with urine that it starts to press on nearby organs. If it’s left untreated for too long, this pressure can cause your kidneys to lose function permanently.
Mild symptoms of hydronephrosis include urinating more frequently and an increased urge to urinate. Other potentially severe symptoms you may experience are:
- pain in the abdomen or flank
- nausea
- vomiting
- pain when urinating
- incomplete voiding, or bladder emptying
- a fever
Well that doesn't sound ideal and not really my past, but I have had an occasional pain in the left side over the years....
Interrupting the flow of urine increases your chances of getting a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is why UTIs are one of the most common complications of hydronephrosis. Some signs of a UTI include:
cloudy urine
painful urination
burning with urination
a weak urine stream
back pain
bladder pain
a fever
I don't recall having any of these issues to a degree to discomfort or disturb me, are you sure doc?
Getting a diagnosis as early as possible is extremely important. Your kidneys could be permanently damaged if your condition is left untreated for too long.
45 years is early enough, right?
In my case, 45 years wasn't early enough. Since birth, say the docs, my left Ureter (piss pipe from kidney to bladder) has been kinked and unable to let enough pee through at times. Those times mostly being when I've been on the beer, or recovering from the beer and downing as much water as possible.
I remember visiting the University doctors regarding a pain in my side, they tested my pee and told me I had quite a high levels of protein. No further tests took place.
Which is a bit of a fucking shame really, because in April this I had a reasonable portion of salty fish and drank litres of water over the course of an evening, woke up at 3am, did the biggest piss ever, and then proceeded to vomit for 12 hours.
When I'd finally stopped puking, I drove myself to accident and emergency and explaining to the Saturday afternoon skeleton staff that my stomach hurt and I'd been sick all day. They could see my left side was swollen, and so I was sent for a scan. And then 10 minutes later, a second signature, and another scan. At this point there were tears, not because of the pain, but I think due to the realisation they'd seen an issue and wanted better photos.
It's your left kidney, it's a bit bad.
It was about 2 more weeks until I had a better idea of just how bad. Another dose of Contrast was injected as I lay on a bed which was soon to be sent into the tunnel at my feet. To my right there was a screen showing my kidneys and my bladder as dark dull objects, until the right kidney started to light up. It took around 22 minutes for the Contrast funnelled to the right kidney to be processed fully and be present in my bladder. At 30 minutes I was told the first test was up and to go for a pee, and wait an hour. The left kidney was still barely visible, with no sign of the contrast.
An hour and 3 pees later I was back under the machine. I could see a little patch of white at the top of the left kidney, it had just started working on processing the Contrast. The report arrived the week later, and the summary was that my right kidney was normal and the left was in stage 4 of Chronic Kidney Disease.
The last 4/5 months have been mentally tough. Being told, in different words (and language at times) of course, that you've slowly killed your kidney with piss was a little upsetting to say the least. However, at least I know what's up now, have accepted responsibility, mostly forgiven myself, learned how to manage things for the time being.
- Warm water with a bit of lemon seems to ease the niggle I've gotten used to over the years. Lemon reportedly lowers blood uric acid saving some work for the kidneys.
- Animal meat over 50g a serving seems to slow my digestion and cause niggles, tuna seems ok
- Coffee without other liquids in the system makes me sore
- Beer without liquids in the system makes me sore. And being recommended to drink 1/5/2L of liquids per day, spread out over the day, means I'll unlikely be getting drunk for the foreseeable
- Exercise, if it makes me sweat it is bad. No more 100 burpees, long cycles in 30+ degree heat, or 30 minute plank routines!
OK, so your left kidney is fucked, can they fix ya piss pipes?
They were going to have a go, and then bailed out. I'd signed forms n everything!
Apparently, there's not much to reattach a cut ureter back to - the narrow section is right at the top of the pipe next to my 'sultana' kidney (as named by Dr Dick, the Urologist, seriously!). There is risk of infection, and most importantly, I'm in generally really good health for a 45 year old - my insides have been somewhat successfully working around the issue.
Mr Penis did suggest a second opinion, which I thought strange as this team of 4 experts decided it was a 'no', for now. My doc says it might be worth a trip to Madrid later in the year. This surgery would be to rewire my left side, and not leave a catheter sticking out of my body right where you clamber back onto a paddleboard.
It's too soon to have shit sticking out of my side :(
Be positive, you've got 2 kidneys and the other is fine.
Said the nurse as I left the hospital a couple of months ago. And even though I can't sleep for more than a few hours without needing a pee, can no longer have an afternoon on the beer, or cycle up hills for hours on end, I'm trying.
Still here at least, got more hair, got more abs (lost 10kg), and got a couple of really supportive people close by.
Sorry, this post feels like an unordered mess but finally I have something written here.
Much text taken from
That's a tough thing to find out, that it could have been addressed earlier, but at least you are getting on top of it now. Urine luck there! (sorry, bad joke)
Yeah, forgiving myself for this is still on-going, anger and tears! But I've got my exercise and diet sorted so just got to be a good boy, forever :D
made me laugh thank you!
Shoulda, coulda, woulda...they don't serve us well. Forgive yourself and get down to the business of living. You've got support from those close to you and you have a legion of friends/fans here to help you cope or kick you in the ass, whichever happens to be needed at the time.
Last I knew you were twirling your staff on the that still a go or is that off the table for exercise now?
Happy to hear you still laugh! Laugh's good for you. Oh yeah, and be kind to yourself <3
They really don't! It's time for gratitude and some intentions for the time ahead :)
And this I am extremely grateful for!
Still twirling, and a little better than before - Light exercise is good for me and my mind.
Thank you very much for the supportive comments :)
Outstanding...very good to hear!
"Urine luck?"
Bloody hell, we got a comedienne here!
Shit Asher!!! That's really fucking dramatic!!! I honestly don't know what to say except something really trite that you've already told yourself like be positive and grateful for what you do have. But I know I'd be really grappling with how much I'd be limited. I'm sure though you'll find a work around and a sport that keeps you fit and your head right. And to be honest, I promise you won't miss the beers after a while. Big hug and take care and please keep us posted xx
I've been working on this a lot and it turns out I have so much to be grateful for.
Umm, well a couple each week seems fine, but 8/9 on a Friday no more. My scales tell me I'm 21, I guess the trade off is alright :)
I bet those beers taste even better now you can't have as many!
💕💕💕 Take care mate, honestly sending you some good vibes xx
They really do!
Thank you, I'm really grateful for the support!
Ooft man. That is grim indeed. The hair not the kidneys...
I jest, it's a tough one for sure. At least you are still alive which is something. It seems that as you get into your mid forties that you start seeing people fecking drop off everywhere. Hopefully there is something to be done.
And it's never bad to see more abs 🙂
Ha! No scissors or clippers in about a year now - flicking between the decades from month to month with the mullet seemingly winning most days :)
Living like an indestructible 20 year old will do that! :D
So true. My old band mate karked it recently at forty fecking seven. Yeek.
You should grow the hair super long man, you will practically be a Spanish then! 🤣
47, no age :(
I'm leaving the hair for sure, wonder if i'll be able to tuck it in me pants at some point :D
You can pretend its a mohair cape in winter for extra kudos :OD
I knew this already as you know, but it's still confronting to read man. The good thing is you're moving in the right direction and the bad thing is it happened at all. Having said that, I always knew you were one in a hundred!
May I comment something? (You can't stop me...) With your weight loss you look remarkably like Vincent Cassel. Just saying. Maybe it's just the hair which he sported in his younger days.
Anyway, good post man, gets some of it off your chest so to speak.
Cheers dude, thanks for the supportive comments as always.
The hair, oh the hair... Why didn't I grow it at school - I've missed out as it looks well gray tied back!
I needed to write but felt so unordered in my mind - still does but something is down and maybe I can get get back on it a bit more now.
Abs at 50, there's a thought :)
You're welcome mate, I know what it's like to go through the ringer with a medical thing, it made me pretty angry, despondant at times and other things too, it's good to vent though, get it out there, and see it from a little further away.
You and your abs will push on and get shit done and don't worry about grey hair, happens to the best of us.
So many folks here have not had it smoothly of late, it's rather good that we can vent and receive support.
Thank you!
That's tough! Good to see you are still with us after all that.
And hopefully, mentally stronger - I'll probably be needing some of this in the future. Cheers Steve, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
This is super kinky.
"I need to take a better look, bend over" ?
Sounds like you have been in the wars a bit, but look on the bright side, your lack of exercise will be offset by the lack of beer!
Ha :)
Doesn't feel quite the same as your balls being grabbed at that moment, I assume...
I'm still exercising, just trying to do things that don't break a sweat. Aircon and seawater help. Booze, meat, and sugar have been the main absentees, and my gut is doing a lot better for that.
Thanks, means a lot for people to take the time to check in :)
Ufff, that
s rough... I
m glad to hear that they caught it now, rather than too too late...Sending you good thoughts and hoping they`ll be able to rewire you 🤞Bit rough, but I got to try not to be rough on myself and be grateful of what I do have.
At the moment I'm not sure if I want an attempted rewiring, but maybe it will become a necessity in time.
Nice to see ya! :)
I'm glad you're ok. Your last post was a long time ago. I was hoping you were just too busy with life and taking care of the dog. But man that's tough. You were being healthy and you even had it checked, but it still flew under the radar. I hope the second opinion gives a better result. I do have to agree with the nurse though. Thinking positively on it, at least it isn't life threatening. Stay safe out there.
Hey :)
Yeah this came a bit out of the blue, even though i've been suffering on and off for many years. Got to drop the feeling of letting myself down, still plenty of years to enjoy.
Thanks for dropping by, have a lovely Sunday.
Yeah definitely. If you're feeling down, just look out your window and soak in your awesome view. Have a lovely Sunday to you too.
Doing that right now, thank you!
Finding root cause to problem helps enable living with, hopefully decrease discomfort going forward. After age of 40 many especially men tend to start having very unusual symptoms or problems raise their ugly head, yup down yonder.
My one son has been on a path with variety of tests, symptoms and some we still trying to nail, mentally taxing! Wishing you better health, finding a ways avoid future pain and agony.
!BEER in moderation.... 🙃
Hi Joan
Yes, over the hill and down into the ditch!
I'm doing ok, really got to manage my liquid intake so not to ruin my day, so I'll take that beer and sip it slow.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Take care, try work around all the shit that comes down the line, always obtain second opinion if able....
I had a kidney stone stuck in the canal and was causing this condition.... eventualy it got out ... took like three months... the kidney was not happy in the time... but this is a temporary condition ... your is a bit more complicated.... still what I have learned in the period, reading a lot of stuff is that nothing is 100% certain with medicine, biology, biohemistry, etc ... there is just a millions hemical reactions happening in our bodies and we cant put our finger on it
Glad you got that stone out. Does that mean you are susceptible to more? I guess your diet now is more important than it was.
Indeed, which is why the docs didn't want to rewire right now - seems my body, now with some help from me as I know not to consume too much liquid, is sorta coping.
Thanks for stopping by, i hope you stay stone free.
I dont know ... I have been to multiple consultations and more or less everyone is saying the basics, and what I see as an old school ... probably with time doctors have learned to be conservative and stick to what works becouse the risk is basicly human life... from what I have explorer it is food reach in oxylate to avoid... I have been heavy on almonds in the last years so that has probably increased the risk... proper hydration is number one ... and then about the oxalate the body produces oxalate by itself, like most of it ... no matter if you take those foods... if you have healty gut bacterias and good gut balance they will neutralize it ... and then we enter the black hole of gut bacteria :)
I'm sorry about the other kidney. I'm got medium level of protein in my urine too, and it might have been there for 20 years of not more. So I have mild kidney disease myself as a result of another chronic condition.
I'm glad the other kidney is healthy. If they can slow down the progression, the other healthy kidney keep going well.
Sorry to hear that. Have you taken some steps to slow down the progression, or is the other chronic condition the main factor?
Me too! If it was like the other I'd not be seeing the next bull!
The other chronic condition is the cause and also, treating that will eventually slow down the progression..
Dealing with health issues is never easy. Sending you love and hugs!
Esp. the ones that take away the things you love! Adjust and move on, the only way!
Thanks Melinda, I hope you are having a nice summer.
It is all you can do. Loosing the ability to walk and using a mobility scooter to move about certainly has caused me to need to make huge adjustments in my life. But life goes on now and my focus has changed.
oh my :( Some massive life changes for you. I hope you have a good support network offline to compliment what is here.
Thank you for taking the time to give me a boost!
Dude. You got this.
I think so, now anyway. Wasn't sure at times but lifestyle changes and realising and being grateful that day to day things are pretty damn good have helped. Onwards we shall go :)
I avoid talking about my real world challenges, especially here, but mostly everywhere. I've been so close to the edge, so many times, I don't know how I'm still, here. Every morning, first thing I do is check if I'm real. And I know there's a strong chance it could be a really bad day, yet I'll take that over no day, any day. No matter how bad it is, there's always one good thing, and it's real.
If you ever need that thought, you can have it.
I've sensed, or maybe the words and drawings have told me, that you may have frequented some dark places in your time. Apparently we need some of those to slap us round the head and make us better than the day before. I'm slow, these lessons take me a while.
Oddly enough, that period of words and drawings, was one of the best times of my life. Now even that is past tense, but I keep going. It makes me happy when I see people doing that, and that's what you're doing. So it's good news. Go at your own pace. You'll still get there.
Hey, how are you Asher? Keep us updated when you can!
Still kicking thank you!
That's quite a few more challenges you received from life, and I am sad to hear about them! But we all know how strong you are and that nothing can take you down. In fact, no one receives more challenges in life than those they are able to deal with! Wishing you lots of health!
Interesting! I guess that true if you make it to the next day still kicking :)
Thank you!
Absolutely! :) pleasure all mine!!
I would have said 'getting old sucks"............ which is my standard default phrase these days. But I think in your case it has nothing to do with getting old. So be it!
Do that trip to Madrid. Potentially better doctors and facilities there.
Indeed. Being born sucks? :D
Madrid is tempting, but for now I'm reasonably settled with this new lifestyle, even though it is missing a beer or two.
How difficult, keep your life as healthy as you can, and connect with God. That's the best thing I can tell you right now.
Which one should I call?
I send you my best wishes for a fast recovery. You are in good hands so anything that can be done will be done I guess. The human body has an incredible potential healing skills so helping it a bit will improve those capabilities.
Waiting to hear soon best news on this, meanwhile sending you 🤗
Thank you very much for taking the time, have a great Sunday :)
I'm learning just reading about this that I'd never known before. This post is going to help others by raising awareness about this issue.
1 in 100 sounds like quite a lot of people to me! I guess that unless you've drank lots of liquid over a short time for many years then a kink or blockage wont worry you too much. My issue was football and feeling dehydrated as a younger man, and lotsa beers at the weekend. Too much liquid!
Watch for the silver linking around the dark cloud, and everything will turn out well. Thanks for sharing the whole progress as this will help many people to be aware of such problems.
Thanks Rosa :)
Its sad to know that you're going through a hard time due to bad health.
Its good that the other one is fine but I can understand how difficult it is to deal with such a problem. Take care and wish you a speedy recovery
Thanks Alokk :)
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Greetings @galenkp. I would have come to apologize to you in person if it's possible. But since I can't see you in person, I want to tell you that am very sorry in anyway I have gone wrong to make you angry. Please, pardon my manners.
If there's any rules you want me to follow to stop this downvote please let me know. You downvoted my post on hivenaija which is not garbage nor shopping post. You also downvoting me everyday.
Please Sir, what exactly do you want me to do? In cleanplanet community, picking of garbages is going on there everyday. In SpenHbd too, shopping with Hbd and shopping post is being made everyday. But you kept on downvoting mine.
Please am sorry if have wronged you. Please I begg you to stop the downvote.
Why downvoting me regularly please.
@galenkp You are just downvoting me everyday. I shop you complain, I pick garbages you complain. Now the two post you downvoted what's the reason behind