35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has an incredible number of healthful uses in the body and around the home!
This is one of the cheapest and most useful substances we have found for increasing health, so we want to tell you about it!
- Food grade means it is safe for ingestion as well as household use.
- The high 35% concentration is caustic at full strength. It must be handled with care and must be diluted for use, but this makes it a cost effective solution for a range of applications.
- The brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide you find at drugstores has a concentration of 3%. While you can dilute it, you can't make it any stronger. It's great for topical uses, but is not safe internally as it contains stabilizers and other compounds.
We're going to share just one amazing use for 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in this post: ORAL HEALTHCARE!
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) kills microorganisms through oxidation. When mixed with clean water and used as a mouthwash, it can eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth decay while improving gum health! It also makes a whiter, brighter smiler, can heal mouth sores, and will even disinfect your toothbrush.

H2O2 is more effective at eradicating harmful bacteria than alcohol based mouthwashes. Not to mention alcohol based mouthwashes dehydrate the cells in your mouth! Plus, those mouthwashes are indicated for only one purpose, whereas H2O2 is very versatile with tons of uses for enhanced health! More effective, more uses, AND a lower overall cost make 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide an easy and obvious choice for us when it comes to caring for our mouths.
How to Use
Dilute 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to water in a ratio of 1:16. Swish and gargle for 1-2 minutes before brushing. Do not swallow! This concentration is too high for internal use.
You can mix up this solution and store it to have on hand as part of your daily oral care routine! However, take note of the following:
Reactivity & Storage
Hydrogen peroxide is highly reactive with most materials. Aluminum and #2 HDPE plastic are safe bets for long-term storage of H2O2. Many other forms of plastic--like disposable water bottles--actually degrade hydrogen peroxide, and you will be left with a very weak solution of water and oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide also breaks down when exposed to light. Glass is another material that does not react with hydrogen peroxide, but clear glass allows too much light to shine on the solution. Opaque #2 plastic or glass bottles are often the most convenient (plastic bottles are stamped with a number on the bottle to indicate what kind of plastic it is made from).
We'll share more cheap and effective uses for 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in upcoming posts!
Do you have experience with H2O2? What are your results?

I can personally vouch for this. I love that you guys are consistently spreading factual, helpful, and concise "alternative" solutions to corporate poison "health" products. Upvoted, and following.
Onward and Upward!

Grateful for your support, @piercetheveil!
Hi @gardenofeden,
I really appreciated this! I love keeping my buccal cavity clean and my teeth ever brighter. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is not readily available to me, however, I know of a chemical supply company not too far from where I live. Once purchased the ingredients Ito make detergent there. I'll visit before the end of the month to see if I can buy hydrogen peroxide of at least 35%. I appreciate the storage tips as well.
Niamaat aka Teacher Nia aka Prima Nia
English Language Coach and
Translator (Spanish to English)
P.S. “Be great because nothing else pays.” -– Grant Cardone
Glad we can be of service and provide valuable info to you, @prima-nia!
I have been using hydrogen peroxide for years instead of toothpaste. Just swish it around for a minute or two, brush and rinse. Great stuff. I will never use commercial toothpaste again. Just be careful with the 35 percent food grade.....be sure to dilute it at 1:16.......IT IS STRONG STUFF UNDILUTED. Read up about it before you use it.
Great, glad to hear about your positive results @celsius100!
Yes, as we say 35% food grade H2O2 must be diluted for use! It is caustic at full strength.
Nice, this works perectly, eliminating bacteria from the mouth and improving health. Very good contribution.
Thanks, @bape682!
Great post! I actually use this solution and can say that it definitely worked better for me than mouthwash!
Just followed you and upvoted :)
Awesome, thanks for sharing your experience @king-enzo!
Good info - I use hydrogen peroxide with some water as a gargle when my throat is sore, seems to help. May start using it as a mouthwash to now.
Great! With daily use, you may find it whitens your teeth @scaredycatguide!
I use the 3% daily for mouthwash, a bottle lasts a long time and it only costs around $1.
Sweet! Thanks for your input, @makecents!
Per my calculation, if you dilute 35% hydrogen peroxide in a 1:16 ratio, its concentration becomes 2.1. The OTC brown bottle is 3 percent.
What am I missing?
Right on, this dilution is even weaker than the brown bottle and it works great!
You can do a 1:15 ratio if you like, but in a real-world household it is likely a little easier to measure out 1:16 with the standard equipment on hand than 1:15.
It's still too strong to swallow.
Being a physician I never found any reason to ever swallow any concentration of peroxide. I do routinely use it as part of oral care.
Thanks @nedspeaks, it is indeed excellent for oral care. The healthiest people we know have taken it internally daily for over 10 years (at a concentration of something like 5-12 drops in 8 oz water). We have had great success with it stopping the development of colds, flu, and sore throat conditions by consuming it, and have tons of testimonials to its effectiveness as well. Of course you are free to use whatever treatment you like, but perhaps the awareness of H2O2 therapy will inspire you to research it for yourself!
My mom has always told me about this! For sore throat, gums, after biting your tongue or cheek, etc. she would say to dilute some Hydrogen Peroxide and swish it around! Now I have another use- thanks!
Awesome, way to go mom!!!
Yes good stuff ! I have about 5-6 bottles of the food grade stuff I bought a few years back , keeps in the freezer a long time. Does not freeze solid.
Thanks for sharing, @simonleach! That's another excellent point; H2O2 needs to be stored at a proper temperature. It is fine at room temperature, but will last longer if cooled.
I always thought that Hydrogen peroxide had multiple uses. It is good to know another. As a prepper there are many other products that have multiple uses. Vaseline, honey and mineral spirits are 3 other products that come to mind with multiple uses. Thanks for the post.
You're welcome, @enjoywithtroy! In the name of sustainability, we find it makes great sense to utilize cheap and accessible products that have multiple uses around the homestead, and we're dedicated to sharing the best options we found so that it may inspire others to consider what's available to them!
I used to sell treatments for a kiosk in the mall for teeth whitening , honestly you're better off with a good mouth wash and keeping your diet right
Thanks for sharing, @journeyoflife! Many people are wary of the chemical content and efficacy of teeth whitening products and want alternatives to what is offered by the mainstream dental industry. The ADA still recommends fluoride treatments, for goodness sake!!! Hydrogen peroxide is a great mouthwash, and it's a cheap, gentle, and effective solution.
I've been using the standard 3% solution off the shelf for oral hygiene. It definitely cleans very thoroughly. Is it enough, though, instead of a diluted 35% solution? I'm also concerned with H2O2's effect on my fillings and enamel. Should I be worried about this? Thanks!!
If it's working for you, it's fine, but the thing about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is its versatility: you can dilute it to your exact specification for whatever use you want. With a 3% solution, you're stuck with a 3% (or less) concentration. And OTC 3% hydrogen peroxides are not safe for ingestion!
Our recommendation of 1:16 hydrogen peroxide to clean water yields a solution less than 3% concentration. That's still too strong to take internally, but it's plenty effective for oral health.
As far as your concerns, there's a study that shows even dentist-applied tooth whitening product with a whopping 38% hydrogen peroxide content doesn't affect enamel. Here's a link to an article about it: http://www.drbicuspid.com/index.aspx?sec=ser&sub=def&pag=dis&ItemID=304384
Thank you!
You're welcome!
H202 is magic. Food grade especially. Well done.
Thank you, @snake73! Glad you find benefit in its incredible power~*~
nice clear explanation on a little known product
Thanks @yamyam! We're here to share awareness~*~
Thank you. I have been using Baking soda to brush my teeth as the chemicals in toothpaste are just nasty. Now I can use a mouth wash too.
You're welcome, @gardengirlcanada! Baking soda is another excellent product with a ton of uses around the home. Glad you're already in tune with some alternative options!
I am using 3 parts of baking soda mixed with one part of himalaya salt
and sprinkle it with Hydrogen peroxide to make a paste add a drop of mint oil - dip the tooth brush in it and wash your teeth. Best toothpaste ever and healthy gums.
Great info as always! I have some food-grade peroxide in my refrigerator! I've included you as one of my most unique authors on Steemit!