Natural & Practical Alternatives to the toxic Chemicals of Modern Dental Hygiene Products and Practices

in #health7 years ago

We just published 2 very important posts:

We always try to point out dangers, as well as solutions.

This post is meant to provide healthy, holistic, sustainable solutions to the very real problem of western dentistry through the practice of proper oral hygiene.

We will cover diet & hydration, natural toothpaste recipes, mouthwashes, and oral pulling.

Here are just a few solutions for stellar oral health:

1. Diet & hydration

An alkaline diet low in carbohydrates starves the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Most Americans follow a diet that creates an acidic internal environment where disease can thrive. Bringing the body back to an optimal pH near 7.2 can reverse many conditions, and improve dental as well as overall health.

  • Alkaline foods to increase in the diet: greens, beans, herbs, olive oil, most fruits and vegetables
  • Acidic foods to decrease or eliminate in the diet: meat, coffee, cooked foods, most grains, sugar

This is in no way a complete list, but we're going to go much deeper into alkalinity vs. acidity in upcoming posts.

Proper hydration is also key for not only oral health, but for full body thrival. Water quality is super important towards proper hydration, as all water is not created equal. Most tap & bottled waters contain fluoride!

To improve water quality, it can be filtered as well as alkalized, with either an ionizing machine or by using Himalayan salts or baking soda (which we'll get into in the alkaline/acid posts).


2. Natural toothpaste solutions

There are lots of easy, super sustainable, non-toxic recipes for homemade toothpaste! Food grade diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, and baking soda are gently abrasive compounds that are not only safe to swallow, but actually confer benefit to the body AND have many other uses for health & around the home!

  • Recipe: Mix 4 T food grade diatomaceous earth, 2 T baking soda, and 15 drops essential oil (peppermint, cinnamon, or lemon are nice) with about 4 T coconut oil (or half olive & half coconut oil). You can add a little stevia if you like it sweet. Store in a jar.

3. Easy Mouthwashes

Both colloidal silver and 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (which must be diluted!!!) are good options for dissolving the biofilm on teeth.

  • To use colloidal silver: 1 drop 100 ppm colloidal silver in 1 oz water, swished in the mouth for 60 seconds.
  • To use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide: Dilute 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to water in a ratio of 1:16. Swish and gargle for 1-2 minutes. Do not swallow! This concentration is still too high for internal use.

4. Oil pulling

Coconut oil is world renowned for its antimicrobial properties, and oil pulling is an ancient practice from the Indian system of medicine called Ayurveda. It is said to improve overall health as well by pulling toxins from the body and has the capacity to remineralize teeth.

  • To oil pull: Swish about 1 T of coconut oil in the mouth for 20 minutes. Spit it out, as it's full of bacteria and stuff you want out of your body.

    Dentists have their place, especially in emergencies, but realistically common dental practices are proven to be toxic, dangerous, and very expensive. There are holistic, natural, and cheap remedies to prevent oral problems and avoid the dentist all together! You can save not only exposure to toxins but also the cost!

We hope to inspire you to choose easy, natural, safe options for protecting your dental and overall health!


Great information, thanks for sharing this. I learned from my vegan teacher that our teeth can heal themselves when we do the things u suggest, as well as going vegan..


If we have fillings and drill our teeth then the tooth dies and can never self heal. So always good to try the natural options and use 'surgery' as a real last option.

If anyone has pain, try clove oil on cotton on the tooth... which is an amazing pain killer.

Yet again another holistic solution to very real problems!

Easy & accessible, just how we like it!


@gardenofeden Wonderful post! Nature has everything we need, not man's overly intellectualized chemical alternatives. Thank you for providing awareness. May I make a quick state, "An alkaline diet low in carbohydrates starves the bacteria that cause tooth decay." I would argue we want a diet high in simple sugars, specifically fructose, and low in complex carbs, like thick/agglomerating/acidic complex carbs :) Fruit sugars have alkalined my mouth tissues and eliminated plague build up naturally. Humans, through media, are now afraid of sugar, but they are missing the point that we want the simple natural sugars, fructose/glucose, that power our brians and electrify our senses. Thank you

I agree nature has solutions and life really can be so easy!

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, and certainly not every body is exactly the same. What works for one person may not work for another. We're definitely seeing a wide variance in what people prefer for carbohydrate consumption nowadays.
However, refined carbohydrates are not the same as simple carbohydrates, or the natural sugars found in whole foods. Refined carbohydrates are processed and manufactured from some food or chemical source, and they are poorer in nutrient quality than true simple or natural sugars.

Thank you for sharing :)

Excellent information. I am trying some homemade toothpaste now with coconut oil and I love it.

Great job!

Great to hear you're exploring safe options for dental care!

That's interesting. I had no idea baking soda was safe to swallow.

Yes it's actually got a lot of benefits for health and can be used by itself for healing purposes, but it's also a staple ingredient in lots of baked goods like cookies and muffins. It's used for leavening instead of yeast.

Awesome information thank you

You're welcome!

Great info thanks for sharing 👍🏻

You're welcome!

Can u follew me and upvote my posts and i will back it

Just trying out some MCT toothpaste from The Dirt... it takes some getting used to - what, with no mouthful of suds and super-minty taste. But not bad.

That's interesting to point out, because yes homemade toothpaste does not get foamy like industrial toothpaste. Most people do expect toothpaste to have that quality!

Western medicine in general!

What are you stating about western medicine?

You got my vote and a resteem :)

Thank you, @pork-brother!

Can u follew me and upvote my posts and i will back it

Thanks for sharing this info!

Can u follew me and upvote my posts and i will back it

You're welcome, thanks for checking it out!

We no more see this nowadays! I did it for some time too, it was quite funny also but effective!
Thank you!Wonderful piece of info as usual @gardenofeden! I still remember in the past when my grandparents were using charcoal reduced in powder to brush their teeth and they had healthy teeth and never had to visit dentist at all!

Thats right!

Great info! Awesome finding you. Left you a voicemail and added you on fb. We've got to team up!

Can u follew me and upvote my posts and i will back it