Friday Focus: Make your own probiotic drink! 🥛

in #health6 years ago

Following on from Tuesday’s post about Probiotics, I thought it’d be fun to share a Kefir recipe!
Kefir is a fermented drink, traditionally made using cows or goats milk...but with the amount of hormones and chemicals in milk nowadays, a vegan option may be a healthier option.

So for today’s Friday Focus, we’re going to make it using coconut water! 🥥

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of Kefir grain (bought online or at any health food store - hydrated water kafir grain make the kafir less tangy and “cheesy” so what we’ll use in this recipe)
  • Around 500ml of coconut water
  • A clean glass jar
  1. Start by ensuring your glass jar is extremely clean - we have to be careful there’s no other bacteria or organism in the jar to contaminate your Kefir.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of Kefir grains.
  3. Then add 2 cups of coconut water (approx 500ml)
  4. Stir with a plastic spoon (no metal!)
  5. Seal the the jar using a rubber band and some muslin and place on top of your fridge.

This recipe should have your Kefir ready within around 24 hours. As Kefir grains are a living and breathing organism, you can then strain out the liquid (your Kefir!) and reuse the grain in your next batch.

The first batch of Kefir can be a bit hit and miss, but when its right, the coconut water will have fermented, causing it to be slightly lots of really yummy flavour drinks can be made with it by adding fruits or juices.

Let me know how you get on! M xo