Tuesday Tip

in #health6 years ago

Is losing weight making you ill?? 😬🤷🏻‍♀️
Different diet plans are so common now adays that nearly everyone we know has tried on or is currently on one…all with the goal of weight loss. However weight gain isn’t as simple as eating too much…it’s about eating the RIGHT things.

What most don’t realise is the negative impact on their health when they are cutting a food group – which is what is specific about a diet. If you cut a group like carbs, or fat, or protein, you’re actually depriving your body of a much needed part of the puzzle. So you may, in the short term, lose a few pounds, but the stress it puts on your body and it’s organs is immense!

I’ve heard of people having liver failure, heart disease, hair loss among many other detrimental side effects, not to mention diets are usually impossible to maintain past a few weeks (thankfully!!).

After diet is completed, most put all the weight back on, and then some, because the real issue of weight gain isn’t targeted. Fat molecules attach themselves to toxins in your body, and toxins accumulate through eating processed, acidic foods like dairy and refined sugar.

If you want to lose weight, but feel great and maintain it for a lifetime, please comment below for more info. Part of my practice is helping people make a considerable change to their health, for the better, and one that’s easily able to be sustained.

Thank you as always, for your engagement and interaction!
M xo