Tuesday Tip: Dairy and Soy...are they really that different? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hi everybody 👋🏻

in #health6 years ago

So most people know now that dairy can cause gut issues, not to mention a notorious cause of acne. What most don’t know however, is that soy is actually seen by the body as very similar to cows milk, so there are proteins in the cows milk that have a very similar structure to the soy protein. 🐄
What then happens is, even when you may have cut out dairy, if you’ve substituted with soy or soy products, you may still be having the same symptoms as before...which may lead you to feel like cutting out dairy wasn’t the answer, when really it’s dairy and soy that need to go!

You’d be so surprised where casein, lactose, whey and soy are hidden in products, mostly those you wouldn’t realise. We really need to read the labels to be sure.
So if you’re struggling with IBS, flatulence, acne, or congestion...try cutting out BOTH soy and dairy for a month and notice how you feel!

M xo