Pharmacy: An Introduction

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Pharmacy is a branch of science which deals with preparing and dispensing of medicine. Pharmacist is a proffesional who got expertise in art of preparing and dispensing of medicine on prescription of registered medical practitioner.

Pharmacist play vital role in patients care by providing them neccesaary information about medicines. The word pharmacy derived from Greek language "pharmacon" means medicine or drug.

Symbol of pharmacy: The mortar and pestle,
Bowl of hygeia ( hygeia was greek goddess of health), Caduceus,Recipe

Evolution of pharmacy: Sushruta Samhita is an oldest known compilation on medicine written by Sushruta ( Indian physician ) in 6th century BC. Sushruta also known as father of surgery.
He is considered to be father of Ayurveda in India.

Allopathy: Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) father of homeopathy coined this word Allopathy which means other than disease.

Before readymade medicinal preparations today available in market, pharmacist used to prepare and dispense it to patient on prescription. But it was manual process and time consuming as well. Patients had to wait untill pharmacist prepare it. Invention of machinery and automaticity turn this proffesion into large scale production and readymade medicine came into existence. Today pharmaceutical comapanies are being manufacturing readymade preparation on large scale to meet demand of huge population.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Invention of machinery and automaticity turn this proffesion into large scale production and readymade medicine came into existance.
It should be existence instead of existance.