ps - hardest thing for me (curing and excepting myself ) was to stand in front of the mirror, look into my reflexion and say out loud, -I love you- and say it and mean it...If our soul is broken, and we are putting it under rug for a long time, body will break one day, even we treat our body nice for some time..Soul is very important peace, for me maybe even more important than the body, but I think you know already everything I wrote before :) Embrace pain sometimes..and get well soon @m31
Thank you so much @jungwatercolor! :)
It is hard path to self love, but is necessary to be able to live our lives to the fullest. There are days I really struggle with it. I keep telling myself it is ok to feel pain sometimes and when I do it gets lighter. When I fight it and don't realize that I fight it, it is the toughest.
Every battle we have with or inner selves, especially if our soul is full of scars is long and hard...and it's a loong process..Just don't give up, know it's easier to say than do.
It's hard to speak about inner things, especially in the world we live where people with any emotional problem are considered week, in my country people are ashamed if they see therapist's a taboo ..Not to mention that most of them don't know what is really depression or soul pain...