Our bodies take punishment well, but we are not invincible. As long as we are comfortable and happy it should be ok? If you feel pain, just take pain medication. What’s underneath the pain does not matter. Yes. Fixing body is not as easy as fixing coffee machine. Yet we rarely think about cleaning our filters to preserve and prevent the machine from breaking down. Prevention is too much work. Poison tastes too good. I will think about tomorrow, tomorrow.
My year has started out in poor health and sleeping in bed for weeks. It has made me question why my body has decided to break down again. For last half a year I have been treating it with respect and added new healthy habits. What about before? It should not matter? Oh, but it does! Years of abuse, mental pain slowly turned into physical one all buried underneath the surface released only through tears. Why would that be part of equation? Our hardware is tangled with our software like it or not. Healing takes time.
If there is an issue chances are it is something you did or did not do yourself. Taking care of yourself should be one of the most important things. Not only when issues arise. Always.
Still waiting for snow this winter.
Song of the day: The Birthday Massacre - To Die For
Thought of the day: Why it is so hard to treat yourself with same kindness you would offer to your best friend?
Tiny happiness of the day: Reading books
It's so hard being nice to ourselves when everyone expect so much from us. And we are so kind we don't want to let them down.
So kind we forget who we are and what we need...
Thank you for your comment and support @julienbh! :)
I think it is one of the biggest issues. People have too much expectations. I've realized that most of the time when I am unhappy about something, it is because of my own silly expectations of others or of myself. We confuse ourselves with our own ideas and delusions of others that are often far from reality. The less we expect, the better. We all should focus on ourselves.
When we are young, we thing that we will never get old. When we are healthy, we feel that we will never get sick. We don't think much about in advance, it's our nature, I guess. Or maybe we just don't want to think about it, because we are afraid, lazy, or both.
The same, or even more, applies to forgiveness. We can easily forgive minor, often even large mistakes to other people, but we tend to find it hard to forgive ourselves anything. Or at least that's my case.
Cheers! : )
Thank you for stopping by @lifenbeauty! ^^
Somehow I wish when I was young or even as a kid, that people would have put emphases on health preservation. That there would be a program or just powerful teachers, lecturers that would put things into perspective no matter how scary they might be.
It is important to love yourself and be kind to yourself, because then you can extend that over to giving the same to others. It is a lot harder to be giving to others if you are cruel to yourself inside. Everything starts with yourself.
Yeah, it's amazing how hard it can be to accept your own flaws or forgive yourself for some mistakes, while you would easily accept or forgive those same flaws or mistakes if you found them in other people. Hell, little flaws and mistakes can sometimes even raise attraction or curiosity!
We hardly treat ourselves with as much respect as our friends because we never truly believe deserve it. Learning to appreciate ourselves is where that starts I think. I really like your thought of the day.
Thank you @thatkidsblack! Agreed. We all should learn. Otherwise at the end of the day we are left with ourselves flogging, judging, hurting and mocking for our own imperfections and shortcomings. It is cruel and sad way to be.
Sorry to hear about these issues battlleaxe... you're tough, I'm sure you'll make it. Sending good vibes your way!
Thank you so much @sirlordboss! Thank you for encouragement!
I definitely do some kicking soon. This just part of my learning process. Though I wish sometimes I could go back in time with the knowledge I have today. You know? :)
ps - hardest thing for me (curing and excepting myself ) was to stand in front of the mirror, look into my reflexion and say out loud, -I love you- and say it and mean it...If our soul is broken, and we are putting it under rug for a long time, body will break one day, even we treat our body nice for some time..Soul is very important peace, for me maybe even more important than the body, but I think you know already everything I wrote before :) Embrace pain sometimes..and get well soon @m31
Thank you so much @jungwatercolor! :)
It is hard path to self love, but is necessary to be able to live our lives to the fullest. There are days I really struggle with it. I keep telling myself it is ok to feel pain sometimes and when I do it gets lighter. When I fight it and don't realize that I fight it, it is the toughest.
Every battle we have with or inner selves, especially if our soul is full of scars is long and hard...and it's a loong process..Just don't give up, know it's easier to say than do.
It's hard to speak about inner things, especially in the world we live where people with any emotional problem are considered week, in my country people are ashamed if they see therapist still..it's a taboo ..Not to mention that most of them don't know what is really depression or soul pain...
Somehow people tend to underestimate the power of their mind and thoughts. It is something that is not seen and that is why we think that thoughts affect us only mentally. At first it is so, but in a long term it is like a snowball rolling down the hill. Eventually our worries start to affect our overall wellbeing.
The bright side to all of this is that the effect is same with positive thoughts too. Often they have even more power!
Many good thoughts to you dear!
Thank you @lindiry! :)
It does indeed affect the overall well being. Anxiety attack is more visible issue. This summer I had plenty of those. Where you just lay down and you understand that your body is in distress, but there is no real reason for it, just your mind and feelings playing tricks again.
I agree. Positive thoughts are powerful too. I've been learning about those as well, trough meditation.
Your situation sounds very unpleasant. :/ Luckily you realized that you need to take care of yourself and you are also doing it now. Don't give up, things will get better.
For some reason, people often have a hard time understanding inner pain, as opposed to outer. It is much easier to relate to a broken leg, than to depression, and way too many therefore blow it off as nothing. I know it is hard to treat yourself nicely, but know that you are worth it. You seem like a really nice person, so i hope you find a way to be happy and healthy.
All the best
Thank you so much for your kindness @emilclaudell!
There is so much stigma around mental health in world. Not just that. We are free to roam around our inner world of feelings and we relay on them, but how can we trust them? What if they are deceiving us? What if they are just chemicals in our brain? It is not nothing indeed. Our minds are still mystery to be solved, but it is important to remember that we might be blind in the dark, but we are in it together. All of us. We might be alone in our shells, but we don't have to be alone or lonely. If that makes sense.
All the best to you too ^^
It makes perfect sense, at least i understand it in my way :)
Some would say that it is only chemicals, that it is so and so levels of dopamine, and so and so levels of serotonin, and they wouldn't be wrong. Because on a molecular level, it is simply neurons firing at each other.
But where then, comes our consciousness? We might be made completely of stardust, and we might simply be of the same matter that creates everything else in the universe, but in that sense we're the universe trying to understand itself. The fact that atoms can be combined in such a complex structure (quite a hubris thing to say, for all we know, we could be bacteria compared to other life forms out there), is baffling.
And in that sense, it is really hard to understand what actually makes of feel. Because if it is only chemistry, then there must be a set way of creating conscious though. If we aren't "gifted" with something special, if it's all just natural law at play, we should at one point be able to make a conscious AI, with independent thought.
Sorry, i got carried away on a train of thought there.
We don't have to be alone. We might not have a way of truly knowing that anyone, besides ourselves actually exist, but we can choose to believe. We can choose to be together.
I hope this day went a bit better than the last, and that it will continue to do so each day onward :)
It is difficult, especially when young, to think about how out bodies are going to feel in the future so, we mistreat them and think that it will always recover as it has always done. It doesn't, and the less work done now, the more required later and it gets to a point where it isn't about feeling better, it is trying not to feel worse.
It is a problem. People get used to mistreating their bodies and then when getting older and body can't keep up with damage they blame life for not being healthy, but it's their choices really and lack of awareness.
I was negligent and ate crap (tho they didn't taste like it!) and didn't exercise well into my early twenties, and that's when health issues started cropping up (possibly because, as a uni student overseas, I didn't have the benefit of Mom's traditional cooking), and that's when I started changing my habits, mainly exercising and eating healthy, some meditation cos it supposedly makes you smarter, and the more I live the more I learn and experiment. Latest thing I'm trying is daily intermittent fasting, which is like the easiest kind: you stop eating 4 hours before going to bed, so if you add the 8 hours you're asleep, it means you're fasting 12 hours, i.e. half the day, giving your body the time it needs to rest and repair itself.
Thank you for taking time to comment @alexander.alexis! ^^
I have heard of intermittent fasting. I think Tim Ferriss had a guest on his podcast that spoke highly of it (recommend his blog, podcasts and books, gold mine there, really enjoy his stuff)
How long have you been trying it and do you feel any changes with your body?
I've heard also about 3-5 day fast per month where you don't eat at all serves as cleanse of body. Then again it is harder, because if you have to work or be with people...easy to get irritated.
This "daily fasting" thing is quite new to me, been doing it less than 2 weeks, but I do feel a bit more energetic and less foggy in the mind. I thought I'd feel hungry but that's not at all the case. The doctor in the video does recommend the monthly cleansing as well, but warns that it might be bad for people with underlying health issues.
Wise. Very wise post. I followed you. Have a nice day!
Thank you @greenmask9 :)
We must belive in ourself and try to find the wonderfull things we have around.
In our soul we can find our happynes.
If we want we can!!!
I do hope that everything that needs healing heals and everything in your software that requires a reboot, gets it and all starts running smoothly again!
Great post tnx for the sharing upvote me if you can plz steemit all the way
I really hope you health improves and you soon feel both your hardware and software in balance! I also hope that being part of the steem community is going to play some part (even if it's tiny) in your improvement starting with the mental part and hopefully influencing the physical too.
I genuinely wish you all the best!
it's crazy how something so simple... can seem like such an obstacle for most people.. i'm sure we tell ourselves ill do it later...ill do it later... when all it really takes is just a few minutes everyday, that we all have, it's almost like were not willing to put into ourselves how much a lot of us put out for others...