Unpasteurized milk is fine, certainly great if you are milking the cow yourself! However it doesn't store as long and for mass distribution this can allow the growth of a variety of pathogenic bacteria.
I'm not questioning the safety of drinking unpasteurized milk, I am more questioning the logic behind pasteurization making the milk less healthy. That is what I just don't follow.
i am not sure what the logic is for the many thousands who prefer the raw milk? :) lol surely it varies. When you pasteurize anything you can kill the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria, which is why many people are opting for cold-pressed and unpasteurized drinks, raw milk today etc, rather than the boiled chemical juice and such that' so ubiquitous on the shelves, guess they want the raw nutrients, but like I said I don't pretend to know what the justification is for each of them haha, thanks for reading tho! cheers:)