Tips to quit smoking

in #health7 years ago

It is true. It has been scientifically proved it is hard to quit smoking. For 10 years, experts from the United Kingdom have studied over 200.000 volunteers who tried to give it up.


Even if it is hard, a strong will is going to lead you to the nicotine-free life you desire.

Most of the smokers tend to make a habit out of smoking by unconsciously turning it into a conditioned reflex.

Try to stop or replace the actions that make you want to smoke, such as drinking coffee in the morning. You can replace it with green tea, for example – healthy for your heart and lungs at the same time.

Be prepared to experience the unpleasant effects of the withdrawal from nicotine, because it is going to happen. The first days are going to be a struggle, you will most likely get more and more nervous.

Don’t lose it, there are ways in which you can deal with it just fine. Chew sugar-free gum or have a mint drop. Crunch on some nuts, sunflower seeds or just have a snack.

Get lost into things that take your concentration off your desire to smoke, like watching a movie or hitting the gym.

Change the cigarette brand and switch the cig-holding hand with the other. 8% of those 200.000 people I spoke about in the beginning managed to give up smoking by doing just that.

It just might work for you, for me isn't working, but if it doesn’t for you also, don’t lose hope, there’s more!

You don’t have to quit overnight, the main goal is to reduce the cigarettes to 5 per day. Once you reach that milestone, you’re pretty much done with it.

Try to create a schedule, as an example for starters smoke a cigarette not sooner than two hours after the previous one. When you feel ready, expand this pause between smokes until you end up not smoking at all.

You must bear in mind that you are in charge of your actions. It’s just a matter of determination and if you really put your mind to it there’s nothing holding you back. You can do it!


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Thank you!

I personally used a self help method. I think that ultimately you have to do it yourself though assists are said to be quite helpful for some.
My method was using a book that helped me with my thought processes about myself and the temptation to smoke.
I also had to separated myself from many of my friends and routines that had become intertwined with my smoking routine.
I had to replace my smoking routine with a new routine which involved a mantra focused upon breathing fresh air and reading.
this may sound weird but after about 2 months I was pretty well on my way to freedom and 6 months later it was pretty much a done deal.
The first three to four weeks were the toughest. Then the next month was crucial that I didn't slip up.

Saya suka mengikuti karya tulis anda

Really damn good post man .it has to be stopped everyone should try their best to quit smoking .never give up in your early stage it quiting .

Everybody knows that smoking is injurious to health,even than smokes.Nice things given.One has to leave slowly.Thanks.

you create a great post....i think its useful to us....thanks for shear this brother...

Personally i hate smoking, but i want to help someone if they trying to quit smoking. it's really a bad habit and it can make a bad result for family member specially kids....

i think your tips can help smoker to get rid of it...
and again thanks @jwolf for sharing with us

@jwolf nice tips but people are unable to leave this habit check your facebook i have sended a message but no reply almsot 2 days before

Thanks for tips

This is such an interesting post. I have a friend that really wishes to quit smoking but he always suffers a relapse. I'm glad I came across this post. I'm not only reesteeming but bookmarking it so he can read it since he is not on steemit. Thanks for sharing.

haha smoking kills you

I get worried when people close to me smoke, they don't consider the effects on their health. Thanks for sharing these tips.

Yes you are right. I support you. Every person should give up it. Cause its very danger for human. Thanks for your concious post.

Most people try to quit smoking but are just too addicted to stop. They know its killing them but dunno how to go about it.
I have a friend who cant go a day without atleast 3 sticks of cigar .
Thanks for sharing this information hope it will help all the smokers out there who are trying to quit or cut down.

Yes you are right. I support you. Its very danger for human. Every person should give up it. That is cause of dead. And also thank you for your concious postm

nice tips for quit smoking! great topic! I support this! thank you @jwolf

@jwolf if I only smoke 5 per day why am I pretty much done? because I actually do not smoke more than that, so that's great news for me I guess...

Smoking kills and majority of the smokers out there are ignorant of this.
i once over heard a man say "my father smoked for over 20 years and he didn't die as a result of it so he also wouldn't die".

I just shook my head and continued walking.

i have seen people destroy their lives and do harm to themselves, and they realize they are addicted when it's too late. And most of the time they are ashamed of accepting the fact they need help. Smoking i a curse and i hv seen very close relatives of mine hurting themselves through it, and yeah these steps can be useful but @jwolf Accepting that you have the problem is the first step and the most hard one. I WISH ALL THE STEEMERS AND HUMANS OUT THERE HEALTH

I think vaping also helps,those who are super addictive to smoking can give a try,where you can reduced the nicotine level step by step.
I had came across two devices that's 12g of nicotine with double battery for heavy smokers
Second one is 6g of nicotine with single battery.
This device seems helpful in keeping the number of times one smoke.
Quite helpful in reducing the habit of smoke.

thank you for your knowledge and advice, I will try this science because I am a heavy smoker

It is definitely hard. Just have to stay strong .

i want to give up but i cant do this... thanks for sharing your tips about smoking .... best of luck...

You have provided a really workable plan to quit smoking. By following your kind advice one can get benefit for his precious health by quiting this dangerous thing.

Your will power and resolution to quit smoking play an important part to help you get out of this quagmire. For this one should have strong commitment to do this to provide healthy air to lungs and purify his blood from toxic elements like nicotine.

First couple of months are really important as one thinks that now he has control to quit smoking at any time, one starts again. One should keep an eye on this tempting moments. Stay healthy.

Wow this post found its way to me at the right time. I've been smoking for like 11 years and just last week I decided to start working on quitting.

I bought an e-cig thing which works okay. So far I've cut down from a pack a day to around 5-6. It's a start - I don't like the idea of going cold turkey so I'm taking it slow.

The number one way to quit smoking is to want it, in my opinion. If you're quitting just for the hell of it, it's not going to work. Once you really want to work on getting some health back, and start feeling some of the long term effects, that's when you really start to want clean lungs lol. That drive has helped me cut down more than any other method. You have to want it.

My official Quit Day is tomorrow. I'm prepared with a vape in hand. And I told it to the world with a post on this platform and a few others.
I figure if I tell everyone then I will be less likely to chicken out.

Really good point about switching brands. You have to ween yourself off by first just kicking your favorites to the curb. The tipping point for me was switching from menthol cigarettes to just regular ones!

I feel electronic cigarettes too can be of great help since smoking wouldn't really have been tagged be if it weren't for the danger the smoke poses to the smoker and those around who get to be secondary smokers. So while you are trying to quit, you may want to try an electronic cigarette. By the way, this is another nice post @jwolf.

Never ever smoked but great post for those who are not able to quit it !!

It is important to remember that tobacco use is a chronic relapsing condition- not a bad habit. People start using tobacco for a variety of reasons. I do not know what tobacco cessation education is like within healthcare provider curriculum in the UK, but in Canada it is sorely lacking. Healthy public policy is key to denormalize tobacco and create safe spaces for people who want to quit, smokers themselves, and for people who don't use tobacco. Really enjoyed!