Heavy metal toxicity | test results..

in #health8 years ago (edited)


🎤Liiiving in a Metal-rial world, and I am a Metal-rial girl 🎤

Too soon?

Moving on..

I have @gardenofeden to really thank..

For moving me in the right direction of getting answers for my health issues. For the past 3 months I have had severe MS symptoms, as well as seizures and paralysis. My cognitive decline has been a shock, barely even able to pull words together at times & difficulty concentrating or remembering.

Mercury poisoning@gardenofeden had done a few posts about

I had just gone through months of tests including MRI's, having spent over $2000 with no Doctor being able to tell me why I am so severely ill. Why would I just assume Doctors should know what's wrong? Surely they know about this. Or would they rather wait til I really do have MS? Mercury poisoning & MS share a lot of the same symptoms.

So seeing these posts from @gardenofeden and having @teamsteem comment asking if I have amalgam fillings, led me to a light bulb moment. Which is kinda ironic as I accidentally smashed a mercury light bulb prior to getting sick and I will be replacing those bulbs. I also have amalgam fillings.

So I bit the non toxic bullet & got tested.

This was a hair analysis test. It wont work on dyed hair but you can use pubic hair too. Yes I wrapped my lady fluff in some paper & posted it in an envelope. They are some lucky people..

Here is what they tested for. Heavy Metals as well as environmental toxins

(They spray Round Up Herbacide all over our curbs here in New Zealand)


Excessive exposure to heavy metals and toxic elements
may lead to their accumulation in the body. They tend
to deposit and store in fat and glandular tissue, and it
is therefore difficult to determine their actual levels
unless they are provoked and released from these sites
of storage
. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of
the body and is responsible for the clearing of these
compounds. The liver will inactivate them and prepare
them for excretion via several excretory systems in the
body including the intestine, kidneys, skin and lungs. If
the toxic burden becomes too high for the liver to cope
with, the toxins will spill back into the bloodstream
where they circulate and settle in different parts of
these body, particularly in fat and glandular tissue.
Their presence, in the long-term, may lead to
disruptions in the normal function on these glands and
contribute to disease.

And here are the results

These are the Metals Currently in my body. Though on this graph the Mercury levels aren't alarming, it is still causing a problem. As above it is hard to measure the true level, especially with mercury that tends to burrow in to places, like the brain, and cause havoc.


Tomorrow I am going to sit down and devise a detox plan to rid my body of these dangerous metals. And please, if you're not feeling right & have no answers, maybe get some alternative tests done? We are surrounded by toxins & this is proof of how we absorb them. Our health is so important . I don't know how I am going to feel after a Detox, but I feel better knowing there is a cause for the symptoms and I can do something about it.
I'm looking forward to feeling light & like myself again, and sharing the process with you.

Love & good health to you all

Kay x

Image source


YES @kaykunoichi so grateful to share valuable life saving information with you! Health is so important, and we're so glad we could empower you to take steps to protect and enhance yours. Looking forward to following your healing. Many blessings!!

I am so so so thankful!

I don't remember if you told me you had silver amalgams or not. I'm glad you did this test.

This is the end all be all video about mercury detoxification and any detoxification really because mercury is one of the most difficult thing to detox from. Its path ways of detoxification are the most powerful systems of detoxification in the human body and understanding them is very enlightening.

If you have some serious problem with mercury poisoning I highly encourage you taking a look at it. The first 2-3 minutes will give you a good idea of who highly qualified the guy is about mercury poisoning.

Great thanks so much, watching now. yes I have two 15 year old amalgam fillings.

Still watching. Just sitting here being wowed

Yeah, I had the Detox Qube from Dr. Shade, $800 but it changed my brain! Amazing. Not exaggerating, I started to see things where I had left them, my memory was greatly improved, I could count in my head much much easier. Wow, just wow.

Really @nutela? How high was your Mercury? I can not afford $800 so I'm trying to be creative with the detox plan. I'm going to research Dr Shades detox now. That's so good though, do you still feel much better?

Yes really. I'm not sure about levels, I was measured on a bioresonance measuring device. The brand was Sensitiv Imago. It doesn't give levels but something like a loudness meter, DB treshold, 0 is the max. So it's just numbers, I guess relative. I couldn't get much straight answers, the operator studied at a medical school, I'm more of an engineer.

I investigated all findings through Google, it found patogens, radiation susceptibility and heavy metals. Been measured more than 10x, it was consistent with me health every time. All the findings corresponded with my health. The radiation was due to cell tower exposure which I found out about a year and a half later. Pretty incredible story but 100% true.

Ahh cell towers. I mentioned something about them on facebook because they're popping up everywhere around where we live. And i got my head bitten off basically saying i was an idiot for even thinking they Could cause harm. I suspect they would cause more harm to someone with heavy metals in their system?

Yes there are idiots who see idiots everywhere except in their mirror.

Yes, it seems there is a connection!

I get better everyday and I really hope the same for your healing. Thank you for sharing your story so more people can become aware of this issue!I have been healing myself naturally from mercury toxicity for many years. I had 15 amalgam fillings that had to be removed and replaced. Yes, the amount of mercury you have is very concerning! You have to remember they have put a standard in place of what a "safe" amount of mercury is but in all reality there is NO SAFE amount of this toxic poison. My test was off the chart of mercury - literally the bar went farther than they could measure. If I had been a building I would have been condemned. So for all the trial and error and research I have done - day in and day out for 6+ years; let me sum it up for you to help you heal faster :-). All the information on supplements and mercury the @gardenofeden has been posting is spot on! I'm told they will also be giving more information on detoxing soon as well. For now I can tell you 1.) The high quality of iodine they have is the best I have taken (I have probably tried about 7 or 8 kinds). This is a key factor of healing. 2.) There are a million protocols out there to detox however after all the trauma my body went through I wanted to do the most natural and gentle approach so I mostly follow Anthony William information. Here is a link to his radio show where he talks about heavy metals. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox Whether you believe where he gets his information or not (I'm not even sure I do), everything he has suggested for not only detoxing mercury but also for other issues like EBV works amazingly well. Here is the second post for the detox smoothie I have been drinking for not quite two years every few days. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox-smoothie

Thank you for this info. What test did you do, was it the hair test? I will check out those links shortly. So overwhelmed with all the responses. <3

I'm sorry I never saw this. Yes I did a hair test. It was expensive but very revealing.

What came through in yours? if you don't mind sharing

I don't mind at all. I have the actual test results tucked away in all my medical stuff, but off the top of my head this is what I remember. My mercury levels were so high that they were literally off the chart. I had 15 fillings, one of which was cracked open and had been "leaking" even more mercury than normal for about 8 years. I was told that I am a mercury retainer also which means it is really hard to get out of my tissues. I had very high levels of aluminum as well - basically at the top of the chart but at least I could see the top of that level. I thought about how much aluminum I used in all my cooking, baked potatoes daily, everything that went into the oven was on aluminum foil, my water source at the time was total crap and I'm sure full of not only aluminum but also fluoride. There was one other that was well above the "safe" level, I think it was cadmium... or something like that. Basically if I were a building I would have been classified as a toxic uninhabitable waste zone just from the amount of mercury. I have the last of my filling removed in January of this year and I have been detoxing like crazy for about 2 years total. As soon as I get about $500 I'm going to have the test done again to check my progress. Even without it I know how much better off I am - I am no longer bed ridden and in pain all day every day so that by itself is amazing!

omg!! Blown away by this!! :O

I am so glad to read your post @kaykunoichi. I bet you are relieved to finally have some answers and know that there are natural and healthful solutions. I'm also grateful the @gardenofeden could shed some light on the situation for you--health is important for all of us and knowing it is within reach is truly a game changer.

I'll be watching your progress and am very interest to know of your experience. Thanks for the love sent to the @gardenofeden. It's great that our purpose has reached to you. <3

Thank you @everlove. Feeling a little overwhelmed. If it wasn't for Steemit or @gardenofeden I probably would still not have known about this kind of thing. Now that I know about it, it's so obvious. So happy that many people will be helped and healed with this kind of info <3

It's a blessing for us all that we are connected. It's great that you are getting the help you need...it is indeed some of the most valuable input we can have to upgrade our health. We are honored to help. <3

some plants aka algea Spirulina,Chlorella good at removing heavy metals. also look into colloidal gold for the mind and colloidal silver for immune,, ive only ever used to silver but was never sick on it.. just make sure its from a good source and i mean read alot about it if you consider going down this path.. cos some can turn you blue if its a silver protien

Yes we highly recommend colloidal gold and colloidal silver as well as nascent iodine too! Iodine is a required nutrient that we're supposed to eat every single day, but most people don't get enough of it. One of the properties of this amazing nutrient is detoxing heavy metals!! If you have enough iodine in your system, heavy metals, halogen, and radiation exposure will have a much less serious effect on the body because iodine is protecting you.

We have done thousands of hours of research and believe so strongly in these supplements that we offer them by donation through our website.


P.S. The colloidal silver we carry is the highest quality we have found, and it cannot turn you blue!

yes nascent iodine is good a have it my self.. you see iodine is a halogen,fluroide is a halide, negatively charged halogen, long story short fluroide mimicks iodine in the tyroid gland causing many problems, and the tyroid gland is one most important in the body

will check your products sir.. lol im a good critic tho, we shall see ;)

looks alright.. 100ppm isnt needed , true silver will work at 10ppm.. has no info on if its true colloidal silver , or silver ion or silver protien..

Thank you I will look into those things. Hopefully I won't turn blue. Although I'd make a great Steemit mascot ;)

its called Argyria has to be a certain type of silver to do it,. and yea all good they will help you :)

Chlorella will absorb mercury from the gut as one of the best, Mike Adams from naturalnews.com tested it. 2/3 of the mercury excreted by the liver is sadly reabsorbed. And I've heard amazing stories about chlorella from my ex gf. She was selling it and making a very good living out of it! Although I think it was very overpriced.

Hey, I am interested in this kind of stuff. I was recently able to put an autoimmune disease of mine (Hashimotos) into remission. I will be working on blogging about this soon I just need to get all my data in order and continue with my autoimmune protocol until I have sufficient material to make a helpful article. Check me out in the future if you are interested in reading about it. I followed you, I am curious to see how you do.

Yes please do post about it. Wow I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's at the age of 10. I'm 28 now & it's in remission also. Looking forward to it & good to have you here!

Thank you :) sounds good, I look forward to keeping in touch!

"Kawakawa is a traditional medicinal plant of the Māori".

I was told it is a cleanser, particularly a blood cleanser. I do not claim to be a healer or that you take my advice but many people use it regularly, sick or not, when they want to "detox". I was taught to gather strictly the bug bitten leaves (this signifies that it is safe to eat and free of other toxins) and make a tea from a few leaves, I have done this many times before. You should find it quite easily growing spray free near Auckland's west coast beaches ;)

I just found this page also with info/videos (http://www.rongoa.com/kawakawa.html) and they are far less thorough with leaf selection, proving the plant is quite harmless. Hope this helps :)

Kia Ora. Thank you! Are you a kiwi? I will look in to the use of kawkawa for helping with detox, I am surrounded by it :)

Tēnā koe. I am kiwi :)

Great read! My husband has MS and was able to get off his weekly sick-making injections through the power of food. Though he never had his heavy metal levels tested, eating whole foods has made it possible to live a flare-up free live for over 5 years and no-meds for 3 years now. Good luck and I hope you can stop this disease right in its tracks too.

Thank you. I'm glad your husband is flare up free and hopefully feeling better off the meds too. Having had a little taste of what it may be like to have MS has opened my eyes a lot. Who knows where I would be in 5 years without the help & knowledge of people here.

He hasn't felt better in his entire life. Most of our modern illnesses can easily be cured through the power of living a healthy, active lifestyle. Have a great day ;)

Thank you ^_^

So glad that you caught this before it gets worse. Grateful that we were able to help another person find a pathway to conscious and empowered health!
Did you read all our posts on detoxing mercury? Did you get ur filings removed? The removal should be done asap as detoxing will be hopeless until they are out though detoxing is still important its better after the fillings are gone.
Wish you the best. Be in touch!

I have mercury poisoning and once you start chelating the results are miraculous!

Really? You have mercury poisoning right now? What is yours from? And how did you find out? I can only imagine how it feels.

Did you get IV chelation?

I am doing the andy cutler protocol using ala and dmsa

How are you doing now? I have ordered my dmsa, only 6.5mg to start once I get these fillings out next week. How is the AC protocol going for you? It's the only one I really have some trust in.

It is the only one I trust also. I hope it helps you feel better! I think I am in the dump phase now so I am feeling a bit worse. The dump phase should be done by January or February.

There are some good heavy metal detox protocols on the internet. Don't know if you have cilantro in NZ but it is a great metal detoxer. I made a 'pesto' from cilantro leaves, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil. I put it on everything; morning eggs, sandwiches, pasta, etc. It pulls the metals out of your blood. But be careful not to do too strong a detox too soon as you you'll feel sick. If you can do it gently, it's better. I can think so much more clearly now since I got rid of the mercury from my system. It takes a while so be patient. btw, Zeolite clay is helpful too. Here's Dr Mercola's detox method: http://www.mercola.com/article/mercury/detox_protocol.htm

Thank you. :) Yes we have cilantro here we usually call it coriander & I love it.

Hope you feel better! Please share your detox plan, I'd love to see what you will do. I think a lot of us are experiencing toxic heavy metal levels from the foods we eat. Thanks for sharing your test results

You're welcome :) Yes I think people would be surprised what is in their bodies.

Good health to you too @kaykunoichi! Please let me know how it goes with the detox! Wishing you well 🙏🏽

Thank you ^_^

Nice health info..

I am definitely interested to see what you try and how it works! I have also heard that Lymes disease can express itself with some MS type symptoms. I don't know if that's a common problem in your area or not.