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RE: Heavy metal toxicity | test results..

in #health8 years ago

I get better everyday and I really hope the same for your healing. Thank you for sharing your story so more people can become aware of this issue!I have been healing myself naturally from mercury toxicity for many years. I had 15 amalgam fillings that had to be removed and replaced. Yes, the amount of mercury you have is very concerning! You have to remember they have put a standard in place of what a "safe" amount of mercury is but in all reality there is NO SAFE amount of this toxic poison. My test was off the chart of mercury - literally the bar went farther than they could measure. If I had been a building I would have been condemned. So for all the trial and error and research I have done - day in and day out for 6+ years; let me sum it up for you to help you heal faster :-). All the information on supplements and mercury the @gardenofeden has been posting is spot on! I'm told they will also be giving more information on detoxing soon as well. For now I can tell you 1.) The high quality of iodine they have is the best I have taken (I have probably tried about 7 or 8 kinds). This is a key factor of healing. 2.) There are a million protocols out there to detox however after all the trauma my body went through I wanted to do the most natural and gentle approach so I mostly follow Anthony William information. Here is a link to his radio show where he talks about heavy metals. Whether you believe where he gets his information or not (I'm not even sure I do), everything he has suggested for not only detoxing mercury but also for other issues like EBV works amazingly well. Here is the second post for the detox smoothie I have been drinking for not quite two years every few days.


Thank you for this info. What test did you do, was it the hair test? I will check out those links shortly. So overwhelmed with all the responses. <3

I'm sorry I never saw this. Yes I did a hair test. It was expensive but very revealing.

What came through in yours? if you don't mind sharing

I don't mind at all. I have the actual test results tucked away in all my medical stuff, but off the top of my head this is what I remember. My mercury levels were so high that they were literally off the chart. I had 15 fillings, one of which was cracked open and had been "leaking" even more mercury than normal for about 8 years. I was told that I am a mercury retainer also which means it is really hard to get out of my tissues. I had very high levels of aluminum as well - basically at the top of the chart but at least I could see the top of that level. I thought about how much aluminum I used in all my cooking, baked potatoes daily, everything that went into the oven was on aluminum foil, my water source at the time was total crap and I'm sure full of not only aluminum but also fluoride. There was one other that was well above the "safe" level, I think it was cadmium... or something like that. Basically if I were a building I would have been classified as a toxic uninhabitable waste zone just from the amount of mercury. I have the last of my filling removed in January of this year and I have been detoxing like crazy for about 2 years total. As soon as I get about $500 I'm going to have the test done again to check my progress. Even without it I know how much better off I am - I am no longer bed ridden and in pain all day every day so that by itself is amazing!

omg!! Blown away by this!! :O