Thank you for your comments but i disagree with your analogy, the scientifically sound tests you refer to are usually financed by the same companies who profit from what ever is being tested, example until relatively recently cigarette manufactures argued that cigarettes were perfectly safe and did not cause cancer, they financed the same scientific tests proving cigarettes don't cause cancer lol.
Until the evidence was overwhelming, they still tried to say otherwise. Now that they have been proven to be peddlers of cancer sticks they have gone to third world countries and continue to sell their products and governments allow them to do so even though the evidence is clear.
When i was growing up many mothers were convinced to take thalidomide to prevent morning sickness fortunately my mother did't take it, but it was tested and supposed to be perfectly safe she said.What horrors that caused to many children, but hey it was scientifically safe.
Also according to the governments own statistics over 100,000 people die from prescription drugs every year do you think those people would agree with you that they were subjected to 100% efficient scientifically proven treatments, i don't think so.
The Rockefeller's supplied mustard gas in the first world war to kill people, afterwards to keep the factories in production the same gas was used in chemotherapy which breaks the immune system down and destroys the good with the bad, people recover usually in spite of the treatment not because of it,most die within 5 years.
Dr Leonard Coldwell see link here
as a near 100% success with cancer not using traditional treatments but because he is not promoting big pharma products he as to have bodyguards to protect him as attempts have been made on his life. Why attempts on his life? because he is a threat to big pharma and their profits.Most doctors diagnosed with cancer won't take the same treatment they have to dish out, incidentally if they prescribe anything not on their prescribed list they get struck off and cannot work, so scientifically proven or not they lose their job if don't subscribe drugs on their list.
No if you research eugenics like i have you will come to the conclusion that agenda 21 is real and the governments who have signed up to agenda 21 are complicit in the depopulation agenda.Wish it wasn't true but it is on the evidence of agenda 21 and when you realize that governments do not always have your best interests at heart you will be under no illusions depopulation is real.
Following the money always gives the true answer. Ever wondered why all the monies taken by cancer charities and still the same answer, chemo therapy. If they found a cure for cancer they would be out of business, do you believe its in their interests to find a cure for cancer? @kevinace