Drink Clean Water; Filter or Purify Your Water - Berkey Water Filtration Review After 10 Years

in #health8 years ago (edited)

If you drink water directly from your tap, you're likely drinking some things you don't want to be drinking. Particles of various material can be present, you don't know. We do know of some things admitted as part of the water treatment.

Chlorine is added as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and other things that grow in water. Your water might have it to such a degree that you can smell it when the tap is on, or when taking a shower. You can even taste how the water has a nastiness to it. You can feel the burn of chlorine in your eyes when in a swimming pool, or taking a shower with chlorine in it.

One of the most controversial substances in water is fluoride. This is not naturally occurring at the levels present, but is added. It's not a safe substance to ingest despite what is claimed. Do some research on this for yourself if you aren't aware of what is being added to your water. It was apparently used in psychological testing to render people docile and less intelligent in Nazi tests. Why would so-called "health officials" want to add this to our water? Hmm...

You might be lucky in your municipality or city and not have fluoride added, but you will still likely have chlorine. Of course, those who have a well are not going to have these problems. But a filter might be desired for others reasons.

Apart from what is added, there can be pharmaceutical in the water such as endocrine disruptors and drugs that affect hormone development like estrogen. A few years ago I read about the Great Lakes being full of pharmaceuticals. We just treat our waterways like a toilet. It's sad. We use waterways to drink and we have turned them into undrinkable sources of water. Do other nonhuman animals and the rest of nature get our treated water? Nope. But we see fit to continue to desecrate our environment that we depend on for our survival. What's wrong with us?

But back to the water filtration. If you get a basic carbon water filter, you will get rid of that chemical chlorine taste to tap water. There are common fridge models like Brita, and even built-in models that tap directly into the water supply of the house to filter all the water, even for showers which is good. But not that toilet water matters much, so your filter will be used for unnecessary filtration.

There are also purifiers like ozonators, distillers and ionized water filtration. But back in 2006 or 2007 when I was learning about problems in the world, and the economic issues, I was trying to prepare for a possible collapse where electricity was not a certainty. Water is important for survival. I opted to get a gravity based filtration system that required no electrical power.

I got a Berkey Water Filter System.


The specific model I got was the Crown Berkey, currently the biggest model at 6 gallons. But I think they might have had a larger one 10 years ago (a 10 gallon model?). I also purchased some filtration water bottles and more carbon filters.


About the fluoride, regular carbon filters don't filter that. You need a fluoride filter as well. Fortunately, Berkey also has some water filter fluoride reduction elements.


These also take care of removing most of the following contaminants as well:

  • Pre-oxidized Arsenic III and Arsenic V
  • MTBE (gasoline additive)
  • Other heavy metal ions

With that, I was set for most of the contaminants, and no need for electricity. I still use it to this day, but for the first few years I didn't -- I suppose I was keeping it for the "collapse" -- but I did let my dad use it before I started to use it.

It works great.

There are two compartments, one for the water to be filtered on top, and the filtered water on the bottom. The top part has the carbon filters screwed in from the top:


While the fluoride filters screw into the carbon filters from the bottom.

Here is the top part upside down looking at the bottom:


I have only tried Brita fridge container filters before this. But this system is great. When the water gets filtered, I poor it into a 18.9L (5 gallon) blue water cooler jug. I refill the Berkey system with more waer and filter until the water cooler jug is filled up. Then I separate the Berkey top and bottom and dry them out before putting them back together.

If you're looking for a low-tech quality Made in the USA stainless-steel gravity water filtration system, then I do recommend Berkey Water Filters.


What's your experience with water filtration? Let us know what you like or dislike about the various water purification systems out there ;)

Thank you for your time and attention! Take care. Peace.


I love my Berkey. I also bought the Fluoride filters as well. How often do you change your filters? I believe I read the Black ones should be changed roughly every 3 years and the Fluoride every 1 year. Does that sound correct?

It actually depends on how often their used for the carbon, and the fluoride I think the same even though it says 1 year.

I love my Beekey! I could only buy the smallest one because I bought it before I left California and it's illegal to sell a Californian a larger system.

I do wish the black filters took care of fluoride too though.

That sucks, but at least you have one ;)

I don't think I ever heard about Berkey filter before.

I have use a water ionizer from a company called jupiter ionizer. I have a discontinued model called melody.

The water that come out is day and night from unfiltered water. Everyone needs a water filter unless sometimes when people's water come from a very pure spring water.


Cool thanks, will check it out!

I was aware our water supply had controversial substances added,but i didn't realise how harmful these were. It's actually quite scary when you think about it. Anyone with the right authority could potentially add something to it. The chemicals added to our water supply are probably already responsible for causing certain health issues.
Thanks for making us aware of the situation.

Yeah there's a lot of places that add fluoride, but some are free from it.

I've been using a Berkey for the past 5 years and I'm really pleased with it both in terms of the effectiveness of filtration as well as the durability of the housing. Being stainless steel, it will hold up forever. It's also the most cost-effective filtration system I've ever used. The filters last approximately 3-4 years, depending on the water quality/hardness where you live. The only aspect I don't like is the occasional scrubbing and repriming of the filters but it's not that big of a deal.

I've heard of Berkeys and know a couple of people who swear by theirs. We live in a sort of "weird" area; our water comes from private wells that serve a small neighborhood and never gets in the hands of "city" processing. Our annual "water quality report" always shows it to be light years ahead of state standards. Main quirk is that it has a high organic content... we have a Brita filter for drinking water and it tends to turn GREEN after a while... same with the dogs' water dish; has to be washed regularly (which we'd do, anyway) or it starts growing green.

Yeah that's the "living water" lol, algae grows after a while.

This was on my list of 'To-Do' blogs, but we are so like minded, there is nothing I can add.
You have about 2 more years experience than us, but otherwise everything (size, Fl filter, etc) is same!

So since I can't write this one, I'll Resteem it!
It is good for people to know!!

Oh, one thing to add, we have been very happy with the prices and service from directive21.com
As a trustworthy place to buy, for anyone convinced.
Wait for sales (he has some good ones) and stock up on both filters!!
✌ Peace!!

Nice, another Berkey user :P

Good information. I have a Pro Pure gravity filter. It holds 2 gallons and sits on my counter by the sink. I have had it for 2-3 years now and it works and filters well. It probably goes through 1-2 gallons per day of use and the filter elements get replaced once a year.

I saw a consumer reports test of gravity filters after I bought this one and Berkey came out on top for filtration and water quality. Next time I will probably get a Berkey unless research shows that there is a better one at the time. Thanks for the article.

Well at least it has worked out well and you have filtered water :)

The issue of clean water has become a big issue in the world of health and humanitarian interests.
there are so many people need a water filter to get decent and good water to consume.
As far as i concerned, Flouride content in Indonesia is contained only in mineral packaged drinks.
So, if we want to avoid consuming flouride, then we should have our own water filters at home, school, office or other crowded places.

Thank you for sharing @krnel

Right on, everyone needs to filter water on the planet. It's sad that "1st world" developed countries need to as well... You're welcome :)

I researched the Berkey years ago when I was starting to make some moves for a shtf-type event, but I just never pulled the trigger on it. We've used the Brita ones, and some other under counter ones in the kitchen.Overall, the municipal water in our area is pretty good, so I think that has kept me from getting as serious about it as I should be. By the time you realize that you really need it - it will be too late.

Yeah man, when survival hits, no more shipping :P

Berkeys are great but you should really test the water coming out for fluoride quite often, as the fluoride filters can go out quite suddenly. There might be some problem in their production.
Had mine for a few years, recently switched over to reverse osmosis, which I enjoy more.

Yeah, reverse osmosis is better I think, cleaner, but you need electricity. How much did yours cost?

Reverse osmosis removes pretty much everything but that includes naturally occurring minerals, so if you're drinking RO water you may want to take a mineral supplement.

Trace minerals in water are negligible. Yo're not getting most of your nutrients from water ;)

I have my own well but I also use the Berkey. I have used it for about 5 years. It works great. My well pumping system already has a filtering system at the wellhouse but felt I needed this gravity system as insurance. All I know is my water is clear and tastes great.

Super! You're pretty set up, way to go!

Excellent advice @krnel

I think the Berkey's have been around since Montezuma's day. They were the antidote to his revenge. And you don't see products enjoying a long life like that if they're not effective, both in terms of operation and co$t.

pharmaceutical in the water such as endocrine disruptors and drugs that affect hormone development like estrogen.

If I'm not mistaken, one of the biggest contributors to anitbiotic resistant strains of bacteria is tied directly to the overuse of antibiotics and growth hormones in Big-Agro operations (i.e. factory farms). Groundwater ends up contaminated from run-off and seepage and people are pretty much at the top of that food chain.

We have well water but I'm still running a 10+ year old countertop distiller for 2-3 gallons of drinking/coffee water/day.

Good stuff, well and filter, winning :) Yeah the antibiotics, antidepressants, and so much more in the water. Wonder why people are more and more confused about their bodies? Maybe all these chemicals and hormone modifiers are changing people's sexual identity through congenital changes that would not normally happen. The normal chemical formation process is altered through externally present chemicals like hormones, and it changes the alignment of sexual identity with gender/sexe.

I believe there's some anecdotal (maybe more than anecdotal) evidence regarding Soy mimicking estrogen in the body too. I've never seen any investigation into the relationship between Soy becoming a big protein source and gender "uncertainty" but I bet it would be interesting.

And by Soy, I mean un-fermented Soy, I think that's something people overlook when they talk about it as a food source. Soy beans and Tofu are completely different animals as far as I'm concerned.

Ah, probably just a big coincidence.

Soy is not as healthy as people think. Most of it in the US is Genetically Modified and found in the majority of fast foods. As for Soy Sauce, it is fermented and has probiotics making it healthier. It is also used as a condiment and not as a food source. Stay away from Soy Milk and Tofu.

I was under the impression that traditional Tofu was fermented.

But there's no getting around whatever it is they grow here in the US if that's what they're making the Tofu out of.

I actually want to get a filtration system eventually, but I keep putting it off until we get a house where we will be staying for quite a while, and one that's our own. So it probably won't happen in the near future, but one day, definitely! They say filtered water is supposed to be better for your skin aswell and it is supposed to be easier on your washer and dish washer.

Does the water taste much better when filtered like this?

HELL YES it tastes better :D. You don't taste the crap that's not supposed to be in it. Even with the additional fluoride filter there is a better quality water taste.

You can get any size water filter, don't put it off until a house. Get cleaner water today :)

That sounds good! You have a good point there, I should look into smaller filters and just go for it soon :-)

Great info! I was curious as to how the Berkey held up over the years. I really want to get one to filter the tap water. I have a Berkey shower filter and I absolutely love it! Surprisingly, the shower doesn't look dirty nearly as quickly either. I wrote on my blog about the dangers of tap water. Thank you for your helpful info!

I have a shower filter for 10 years and never used lol. Thanks for the feedback, you're welcome.

Totally agree with you! I've been drinking filtered alkaline water for many years, I even have 3 kangen machines that cost like $10k just because water is everything 🙌🏼

Damn that's expensive lol

In Ireland, we're part of the 2% of Europeans forced to drink fluoridated water so I have 2 filters on my kitchen tap, one for fluoride and another for lead and other contaminants.
One thing fluoridated water does is encourage you to have short showers!

Hehe, always good to conserve water ;)

I love my burkey! I approve.

Sweet! So far you're the second who also has one :P

nice sharing ...upvoted... visit my posts also

I have been feeling the things you write when I swim
My eyes are red and sore.
With the articles you write I can know bnyak things

I am very interested in your articleThank you post @krnel Once lag I say thank you post @krnel

I agree, that's very important for our health

I thought normal water filters got the floride out. Thank you for warning me.

I just received my Berkey, bought through Amazon, it's the 21/2 gal model, havn't set it up yet but looking forward to its results. If the crap hits the wind I don't have to be concerned about electricity. Great article. ...........
Upvoted and followed..................billytwohearts