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RE: Drink Clean Water; Filter or Purify Your Water - Berkey Water Filtration Review After 10 Years

in #health8 years ago

Excellent advice @krnel

I think the Berkey's have been around since Montezuma's day. They were the antidote to his revenge. And you don't see products enjoying a long life like that if they're not effective, both in terms of operation and co$t.

pharmaceutical in the water such as endocrine disruptors and drugs that affect hormone development like estrogen.

If I'm not mistaken, one of the biggest contributors to anitbiotic resistant strains of bacteria is tied directly to the overuse of antibiotics and growth hormones in Big-Agro operations (i.e. factory farms). Groundwater ends up contaminated from run-off and seepage and people are pretty much at the top of that food chain.

We have well water but I'm still running a 10+ year old countertop distiller for 2-3 gallons of drinking/coffee water/day.


Good stuff, well and filter, winning :) Yeah the antibiotics, antidepressants, and so much more in the water. Wonder why people are more and more confused about their bodies? Maybe all these chemicals and hormone modifiers are changing people's sexual identity through congenital changes that would not normally happen. The normal chemical formation process is altered through externally present chemicals like hormones, and it changes the alignment of sexual identity with gender/sexe.

I believe there's some anecdotal (maybe more than anecdotal) evidence regarding Soy mimicking estrogen in the body too. I've never seen any investigation into the relationship between Soy becoming a big protein source and gender "uncertainty" but I bet it would be interesting.

And by Soy, I mean un-fermented Soy, I think that's something people overlook when they talk about it as a food source. Soy beans and Tofu are completely different animals as far as I'm concerned.

Ah, probably just a big coincidence.

Soy is not as healthy as people think. Most of it in the US is Genetically Modified and found in the majority of fast foods. As for Soy Sauce, it is fermented and has probiotics making it healthier. It is also used as a condiment and not as a food source. Stay away from Soy Milk and Tofu.

I was under the impression that traditional Tofu was fermented.

But there's no getting around whatever it is they grow here in the US if that's what they're making the Tofu out of.