
How do you like to prepare them? I see them at the store and they look pretty appetizing, those small, red clusters.

Raw in salads is the easiest and the only way I really eat them - they are wonderfully crunchy and kinda peppery, so if you make your own salad dressing, I would go light on the black pepper if you have these little guys in there.

So far I have just been putting them in salads raw and munching on them as a snack.

I snack on them also. They are like a treat for me!

I love to ferment radishes. They are wonderful!

Do tell. Put apple cider vinegar on them in a sealed container and wait? No refrigeration?

It's very simply. Put the radishes in a jar with a bit of salt. I also like to ad one small piece of ginger. Cover it with water and use some sort of weight to make sure they are not exposed to air - I use a stone the size of the mouth of the jar. Wrap it in a towel or put in a dark place. It will be ready in 3-7 days, depending on your personal tastes. When done correctly the water will have a slightly bubbly effect. The taste will be sour, not spoiled.

Many thanks, I'll have to try it! No refrigeration?

I refrigerate them after they are fermented to the flavor I want. They will last a couple of weeks or more (never made it more than that before I have eaten them.) :-)

Awesome Mackmck! Thank you for that recipe. I am going to try it!

Hahahaha! So funny you made this post -- I love radishes so much I once posted about it on FB, and so many others actually agreed. :)