Thanks for sharing this. Comfrey is another wonderful plant ally who gets a bad rep in this country. It’s almost as if cheap, natural, healing herbs are the enemy here. Good information like this is suppressed and we are taught to fear them.
I’m glad I read this today because I’ve been dealing with a pain for five days now. You’ve reminded me that I know some natural remedies for this. I’m going to pick up some arnica and/or cannabis to use topically.
Unfortunately cheap, natural, healing herbs are a threat to the system in power here and they are treated as enemies. It's up to people to reconnect to their roots and remember ancient wisdom!
YES blessings to your natural healing! Arnica and cannabis are a few more of my favorite herbs. Super powerful plants FTW!
Sad but true. Living our best, healthy lives is a threat to power and capitalism. I am inspired by you and the Edenites (is it okay to call y'all that?) because you are consciously living your best lives and working for the good of your community. It takes something to be able to do that.
Thanks for replying to my comment. I see that you get many and I appreciate you taking the time.