21 Days of Healthy Holiday Habits--Focus on Fiber!

in #health7 years ago

Hello again Steemit folks!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.  Today's tip is another one of those that applies during the holidays and the rest of the year, as well!

My focus of the day is encouraging you to eat more fiber!  So many times people get caught up in the macronutrients--your carbs, fats and proteins.  The problem with that is you sometimes only focus on the numbers instead of the quality of those nutrients.  A carbohydrate comes in many packages.  A factory-made pastry produced with refined flours and sugars will be processed by your body much differently than a whole apple that contains vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The standard American diet is highly deficient in fiber.  I'm not talking about the fiber you get in a popular packaged bar or that you stir in water from a tub.  If you are eating sufficient quantities of whole fruits, vegetables, in-tact grains, legumes, nuts and seeds then you do not need fiber artificially added to anything.  The beautiful thing about a whole foods plant-based diet is that you will never lack in fiber.  Plant-based proteins are not only adequate in supplying your daily amino acids, but they also come packaged with fiber!

There are so many benefits to consuming plenty of fiber.  The two types are soluble (dissolves or swells in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water).  Both types are important and are found in different plant-based foods, so this is another reason why some diversity in your diet is a good thing.  One of the great things about fiber is that it adds bulk to your diet, but our bodies are incapable of digesting most of it so you do not really absorb any of the calories that would be contained in the matter.  Some of the big benefits are better digestion (including more regular bowel movements), improved insulin response as fiber delays the absorption of the other carbohydrates packaged with it, and it can also improve cholesterol numbers.  Since fibrous foods are also quite filling, eating more fiber can aid in fat loss as you can eat less while still feeling full.  This time of year, eating high fiber foods first can help deter you from eating too many of the holiday treats!

The current government minimum recommendations for daily fiber intake here in the United States is 30 grams for men and 25 grams for women, although many nutrition professionals would say that is quite a low goal.  Most healthy individuals can see an improvement in overall health by focusing on increasing their fiber intake.  However, if you have any kind of gastrointestinal disorder (IBS, Crohn's, Chronic Colitis, etc.) make sure to work with a qualified professional to see what types of fiber you can tolerate.  If your diet is currently low in fiber, I would also suggest increasing in small amounts to avoid unwanted side effects. ;)

Incorporating beans in your daily intake is a great way to add fiber.  Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are all good vegetable sources.  Berries are one of the best fruit sources of fiber.  Leaving the peel on fruits and vegetables is also a great way to keep a few extra grams in your meal!  I am also a big fan of steel cut oats, quinoa, farro and other quality grains.  Little additions to your diet can make a big difference.


Great advice! Everyone needs to get more fiber from whole plant sources <3 So many ailments could be reversed and prevented if people just got enough. Love your article!

Thanks! It's such a simple concept for improving health, but a lot of people miss the mark.

I love love love red lentils, but not so much the green, thanks to living in Europe 😅😅😅 people around us always offering meals with green lentils every other day, I ate too much of them, so now I hate it🙄

That does tend to happen when you eat something all the time! I try to rotate out so that I don't get too burnt out on any one variety. I was at the store the other day and the lady checking me out said she couldn't eat potatoes for a year after staying in Ireland for a few weeks. That made me sad because I love potatoes! I don't know if I could ever get tired of spuds. ;)

I looooveee potatoes, fried, baked, mashed, scalloped, as cakes and desserts, yep I don't think I will ever get bored for this staple food 😂

We joke around in my family how we never met a potato we didn't like!

I try to and typically do eat a lot of fiber every day in the forms of the foods you recommend and in addition I've been including psyllium fiber (Metamucil) for years.