We all are acquainted with the word “YOGA”. We know doing yoga keeps us fit, healthy and happy. But how many of us do it. If you ask about me, I can tell you that I don’t even do it regularly. I know a lot of poses and some meditation techniques but I practice regularly. But from now on, I want to start the healthy lifestyle, so I am writing this post to inspire basically myself. And if anyone gets inspiration from my writing, I will be very happy.
What is YOGA?
Mainly yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline in Hinduism. But that doesn’t definitely mean you can’t do yoga! There are a lot of yoga poses that will keep you healthy and happy. You can learn good breathing techniques along with simple meditation.
Health benefits
Yoga strengthens your bone and muscles. Any exercise does, but yoga is special because of its postures.
It makes your digestive system healthy. Abs exercises burn fat along with improving your digestive functions.
Some asanas of yoga improve your cardiovascular function. It helps to circulate blood properly in your body.
It also helps you with your nervous system. When fresh oxygen runs through your brain and body, you automatically start feeling good.
Yoga can be done anytime, but morning is the best time to do it because of the fresh environment. But you can do it anytime you like. And there is no age for it.
You've put it out in a refined manner
I hope it's helpful to start.
Much Love. Yoga is great for all round well being.
yeah right u r!
I just very recently started practicing and have actually been posting my progress on my page. So excited to start following you on here. Thanks for the inspiration!
I have also started it. Hope to see some progress soon in you and in me...let's do it!
best of luck with your yoga journey! it is truly life changing!
Yeah it is. Thank you!
Yoga rocks! I get in at least an hour of yoga, twice a week.
Wow! That's pretty nice. All d best.
My Dad has done yoga since he was 42 - and he's now 70. Kept him super fit and healthy - until he got cancer!! But the mindful, spiritual aspect has super helped him out.... Everyone needs yoga, whether they realise it or not..
Yeah yoga is very beneficial for health and mind. It connects our mind with our body and that's how we stay fit for a very long time. I hope your dad will be fine. God bless him.
Or more specifically Shaivism when you talk about health by which hatha yoga is concerned with. Looking forward to read about your journey.