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RE: Healing After Trauma: how we respond to pain makes all the difference

in #health7 years ago

I was thinking of the farmer story as I read the beginning of the post. So glad you included that. It's such an incredibly helpful perspective. I think the original intention of the metaphysical message was terribly misconstrued by a whole bunch of people just trying to make a buck. I think we are always experiencing what we put out. It's not like we had a bad thought, so a bad thing happened. It's more like this is where our energy is, so how could our experience possibly be otherwise. Like Ini said, he had the instinct to stay the night or to pull of the road. It's an opportunity to learn to listen to the voice, and when we know we aren't listening to it, there's usually a little fear there. We have had some experiences just in the last year that I am certain are a result of me not listening to the quiet whisper to change. First it's the stubbornness. Then behind that there is a fear because I know I'm being stubborn. And then the manifestations come. And like you said, there's no good or bad. No need ever for guilt. When something horrible happened to my daughter, my son felt so incredibly guilty, and it took a lot for me to convince him that there is no reason for, or help from, guilt. Of course I felt it too because I knew I wasn't listening to the whisper to change.

I think money is such an easy one to look at. People who easily manifest money do so because they believe 100% they easily can do so. Contrary to what our society says, it says absolutely nothing about their inherent goodness or even their willingness to work hard. Totally and completely unrelated. My challenges in the past of manifesting money are directly a result of my belief I couldn't do so because I wasn't willing to throw my kids to the wolves and work for some company doing something boring. Now I know that isn't how it works. I don't have to sacrifice my kids or myself. I just have to change my beliefs. In any case, that has been the thinking I have evolved to over the years. I know the contrast is also always an opportunity for us to further delineate what we do and don't want. And everything brings a gift. I know for sure that being sexually abused helped me understand that I would never tolerate abuse of power and that I would always fight for the marginalized. Not glad it happened. Had to do a lot of therapy to get through it, but there was a gift.