@inuk thank you for sharing the tips. I used drink lemon juice in warm water and it really worked. One more thing which I would like to point out for your benefit. I checked right now your voting power is 6.75 % which will go to zero if you continue voting. If it goes to zero your votes will have no worth so give it a break for at least a day and let it go up a bit. U are new here some of the algorithms you may not know or understand this quickly.
You can check it yourself if you upvote any post now the revenue generated is very less compared to when you up voted yesterday. I will stop it here and later come back with more important information that will help you and the community. Your vote is important to this community. Cheers!!!!!!!
I am so new at this and I do not know how to use steemit yet :) I will follow your advice ;) Cheers!Thank you for your advice @tamsguitar
You are welcome Sara i will let you know more gradually. Just keep posting and increase your follower base now since you have some decent steem power your payouts will be very good if you make proper use of your voting power, people earn a lot from curation also. If your voting power goes to zero it might take upto 5 days to come back to 100. Anyway Good luck!! @inuk
Thank you so much! :)
This is very useful comment ;)