My parents always did everything they were told to do, even if it killed them
I am sorry for your loss :(
Two out of three, probably 3 out of 3 (my brother got mumps too) with one child having two illnesses she was vaccinated against
As I said, maybe their is something genetic that makes your families members not reacting well to vaccines.
That of course is bad luck - and I understand why you might think that vaccines are not so good if you experienced that bad luck.
But in the game of big numbers, you are just a very very little part. I don't say not important - every human life is. .
There is a study done in the Netherlands for mumps. There was a big mumps breakout among students aged 20/25 a couple of years ago.
Strange thing is the students that got their mumps vaccinations as a child were more likely to get sick.
No one died by the way. Because people don't die of mumps.
A link to the statistics would be nice ;)
Yes, dying to mumps is rather unlikely.
But 30% of all infected man get orchitis which can lead to infertility; also not a great outcome ;)
I will look up the study for you this evening.
unfortunate. So even though the outcome might not be great, in the case of mumps, you could definitely ask yourself which risk would be higher..@theaustrianguy: I would like to get into that: spoke to the doctor at the time when my eldest son was born. This doctor was besides a 'normal' doctor who also studied anthroposophy. They held a course about natural treatments and information about vaccines and childhood diseases etc. I told her about my worries about mumps in the case of a boy. She showed me studies and research that I now wish I had asked for the reference. But what it came down to that orchitis is actually quite rare with mumps, but to get it on BOTH testicles would be even rarer. Besides that, it is also treatable, if caught on time, which usually would be the case since it would be very uncomfortable and painful. I mentioned that someone I knew had had that, and she told me that this man was extremely
This also happened in the US recently. An outbreak of mumps in university with 34 students who got the mumps. 32 of those were vaccinated. Of the rest of the other students, (beside the two) no other unvaccinated student contracted mumps...I think it was Harvard.
Many, perhaps millions, have died from mumps, and the rest of us are descended from the survivors, inheriting their immune responses. This is why almost no one dies from the mumps anymore.
Native Americans were ravaged by many plagues that eliminated perhaps 98% of them between 1492 and LaSalle's expedition up the Mississipi River roughly a century later, including the mumps.
It is unknown how many the mumps, or any other disease communicated by Colombus's crew, killed directly, but it is known that mumps did cause deaths in Native Americans, who had no resistance at all to the new, to them, disease.