Since you used videos I'll use videos to respond. However there are sources linked in the descriptions of said videos.
Note: I can't watch the videos in your post right now, I'm only responding to your words. When I do get a chance, I'll check them out.
Thanks for the videos - as a vegan I obviously would be looking for a vegan approach to this and if there isn't one then that's enough for me to know that there is a better way!
Having skimmed the videos you provided, I can see that the bottom two are addressing different aspects of this to the videos I shared. The points made in the top 2 are, I think, addressed by Dr. Schmidt's guidance regarding coming out of keto and then going back into it to correct some of the issues, but I am in no way any kind of expert on this (I am a beginner really) and I would be interested to here his comments on your videos. He is pretty active in commenting so maybe he will if he sees them.