Let Me Heal You...

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I can heal you but not cure you !

Reiki i'm sure many of you have heard about. The common misconception about Reiki is people call it a cure when its a healing there is a big difference. To heal is not to cure; healing does not start on a physical level like a cure, healing as the dictionary says is to restored back to health or repair with natural processes. Basically healing focuses on the whole starting with the mind, emotion and spirit. Reiki works to clear blockages in a persons energy field working holistically, harmonising an balancing the person as a whole to heal them. In a essence it helps the mind and bodies energy to balance allow it to fight the ailments or problem naturally.


My shower during my Reiki training in India

OK  now we know its a healing...

Now that's  cleared up, were am I going with this? I hear you ask. As you probably know from my profile I am a Reiki Healer. As a Reiki Healer you can do distance healing's. I used to do healings around the care homes near me but the good ole bureaucracy got in the way. Having to deal the whole business tax thing didn't work, I did it very cheap and part-time in between my job an uni course so my income was very small. When I checked how much tax to pay it with the national insurance was more that what I took, what else would you expect. So I stopped as I just could not afford to do it. I was not happy with this but the UK tax office would have had no hesitations to bring me down.

Self healing in the Ashram in India -  I love the energy orb in this shot!

Roll on a wee bit of time and here we are. The other week a fellow Steemian asked me for some Reiki, this was a distance Reiki. Yes thats right Reiki works around the globe as it connects, well is universal energy, so a Reiki healer can heal you from anywhere in the world. Personally I think its more powerful when you in the same room but this amazing energy (that anyone can be initiated into)  works from anywhere to anywhere. Sorry I digress... So it struck me that well I have a platform here where I can help people without having to charge a fortune to cover extortion fees. So here we are :)

The deal...

Now I love doing reiki and when you are healing you get some of the benefit of that amazing energy flowing through you so I don't like to charge the going rate of £35 -£40 an hour. I like to do what the person feels right paying.

So my fellow Steemians I would like to offer you Reiki sessions, pay what you think is right, hopefully more than a couple of Steem :) but if that is what you think then well ok. 

You can contact me on this post or Steem Chat ...

I look forward to healing you, sending you all Reiki energy


(All images my own)


Great post, big fan of Reiki

Thank you my friend, your welcome :)

So would reiki work for a group of people? As in, could you do a free healing each day for the group of upvoters on a daily healing post?

Yer I it would. I sometimes do healings for group for examples people effected by the recent hurricane. I like you idea here. So you mean write a post and then do a healing for all those that up vote?

Practically I don't have time to do one everyday as I am working 9-5. I know its not at all energy draining for me just after a days work I lack energy as it were. I will look into something though I like it maybe more a weekly would be better. It might end up a bit random I not the more regimental person haha.

Thank my friend, I must just do that :) There is talk of group Steemit post so collaborations, might be something to look into when it arrives :)

Next time, before you start your Reiki Session, do some self Reiki. Fill your own cup first so you are not draining your own sending to others. The constant flow of Reiki during sessions should be energizing you, not draining!

It's not the Reiki that drains me that's what replenishes me :). I'm drained because of things that have been going on in my life The big change post explains this :https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@vibeof100monkeys/the-big-change-has-occurred-and-i-m-back

That's one of the reason I was to do this as doing it the other day felt so good. I do healings on myself but as you say doing one before a healing is great. In doing this it makes me do myself first bringing me energies back and I feeling so much more grounded it brilliant.

Oh wow, just read your post! I lost my son at the age of 32, so I know how depressing that can be. Glad to know you are connecting on a deeper level. Reiki has a way of leading you to your given path and unfortunately that includes a lot of solitude. Hopefully your wife will find her way too. Just go and do wherever Spirit leads you.

Thanks for reading and your kind understanding words, and of course I send you understanding energy in return. Unfortunately we are no longer together but I have seen her and she seams to be coping ok. Yer me energy was way down to the extent I didn't practice at all but now it coming back rapidly and I really what to get back out there.


Love the waterfall shower photo 😂

nice write up.....i love it, thanks

Your welcome and thank you :)

Love your name! Great post. I am a fan of Reiki and have a few friends who are attuned. I'll sure keep this in mind! :)

Thank you! Yes I a big fan of the 100 monkeys theory and think we at around the 90th -95th monkey were close :)

I did some Reiki sessions a while ago, both because I needed it and I was curious if it works. Lo and behold, it worked :)

It helped me alleviate some symptoms and unblock some energy that got stuck.

Namaste @vibeof100monkeys

PS: Your unique nickname makes me giggle :)

It works, that for sure. I have a lot of people i've given healing to who are not convinced and the reaction after is brilliant. My dad was one he fell asleep and just put it down to being tired and he had not had a chance to lie down haha.

Your welcome to another is you like, just let me know :)

The name yes I'm a true fan of the theory i'll have to write a post about it soon!

I too am a Reiki Master. Great job explaining. Namaste!

Thank you, sending you Reiki energy :) Namaste

Thank you, same here. Check my latest two blogs on the violet flame! It it amazing!! It will help energize you more and makes the distance more powerful! Just sent to you. If you see the color violet, that is just me. lol

Great I will have a look, many thanks :) I will look out in my healing after work as I normally see a deep blue so i'll look out for you :)

Every time I've been to a reiki treatment have been fantastic. It's like receiving pure love.

I love it too not have one other than a self treatment for a while but will get onto it. Your welcome to a treatment. What I might start doing is a treatment for everyone that upvotes my post. Keep you eye open :) Namaste

Haha, that sounds amazing! Although I fear we're not in the same country! I did do Reiki course one last year, so what I should do is start treating myself. I remember my instructor said that the more you do it, the stronger it'll be. :)

There is distance healing, then it does not matter where you are :).

Yes do self healing regularly. Your instructor is right! Heal yourself and really listen to your guide as to where you need to go.

Namaste :)

Cool! Distance healing would be amazing to try. Maybe I can trade you for a yoga session!

Yes that would be a good trade, for sure. We'll have to arrange it. This is what I love about Steemit how I see the future, Fabulous.


Wow, Rieki sounds interesting. I definitely want to be healed.

Would love too :) If you would like we can arrange a time this week. Just good for you to be somewhere you can relax as the reiki can make you feel very relaxed and this is not goo in certain situation ;)

Arrange? Hehe. 😊 I don't know how will that work. Virtual Reiki?

Well its distance reiki. So I do the healing here in the UK and basically visualise doing it on you. And you feel the effect wherever you are, Reiki is a power thing. I did a Steemer in Baili the other week !

Just let me know and I can send you some. Find me on the chat :)

I will let you know someday.